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IPAD usefulness..

Omg. I could not imagine life without my iPad. !

Me either! I have instant, and I mean instant access to cyberspace and I need that on a dime while out in the field. I can read an email within seconds ~ I so love that!

I do reports in Pages and email them to myself to print out on my desktop. I only have 25 apps ~ so I am not a big app person ~

There is so much more I could do ~ but the second best thing after having the iPad?

Being here.:)

Marie you may have only 25 Apps but you have one big personality ........:):):):)
Col looks at Scott gets big note pad out................
Ticks off what Marie said and makes a executive decision that Marie can stay I mean let's face it Marie spends her life in the forum just look at the number of posts..... It won't be long when she is number 1 poster...............smile

Scott (1991-C4) get posting Lol.
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The power of the app. Like the others, it's basically replaced my laptop. Except, of course, for needing the laptop to use (grrrrr) iTunes.
Cannot believe all I do with iPad and wifi and wireless printer and apple tv! Only open my MacBookPro when I bump into no flash wall while shopping, or watching golf, or checking some news sites ( yes I have complained here before). I never dreamed Id be cooking from it, piping my music through my speakers throughout my house ( while using it for email,etc) checking my banking, doing shopping late ( in bed). Watch a movie, watch my slideshows on my big screen tv...list goes on and on. Freedom in retirement with this miracle device....and no data fees, since it's primary location is home on my lap! This is love.
Scott (1991-C4) get posting Lol.
<==== Not worried!

I have found the iPad to be quite useful around the house (if screwing off on the couch can be considered useful) but completely useless for work. Then again, I am an engineer and I never expected the iPad to be a work tool. As a toy I love it.
* Blastr, Dvice, and USA Today for news reading (every day)
* Video for watching movies (and the entire Superbowl - Go, Pack Go!) when travelling
* Atomic Web and Safari for instant browsing
* e-mail (both work and home on the same device)
* assorted games (Angry Birds, etc.)
* iBooks, Nook, Kindle, Kobo for reading
* GoodReader for reading work-related pdf's
* ESPN ScoreCenter XL for all my favorite teams highlights and scores
* VEVO HD for music videos

and all used almost every day...
Portable music with iTunes.
Watch live TV in bed with eyeTV.
Check e-mail (work and home).
Internet surfing while on the road.
Read books.
Watch movies.
Take notes in meetings.
Navigate with GPS.
Find hotels, eateries, stores, check gas prices, and much more while on the road.
Buy songs from iTunes. For example, the rest home my Mom is in wanted some Hawaiian music for a little party. I was able to find it and buy it through 3G.
And that is just scratching the surface.
Oh iPad how do I love thee....

So many of you have expressed all of the absolutely incredible reasons for my adoration and addiction. But for me, it doesn't stop with all that I have enjoyed so far.

The thrill for me is seeking the next cool thing. The next creative use of an app or external device.... the innovation that comes with the next upgrade. And that's why this forum is so cool. You all are so creative and willing to share! I learn something new almost every day.

Thanks to everyone for what you write!!
What a great thread! I was kind of in the same place (although my iPad is so new, I didn't really have the downtime) Now I've got information overload and will be lost in the app store for awhile!
I feel the same way HuskerPride. The best thing is the portability and the fact that I don't have to take my laptop everywhere like before. Now if I could log into my work desktop. I'd be in iPad Utopia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I feel the same way HuskerPride. The best thing is the portability and the fact that I don't have to take my laptop everywhere like before. Now if I could log into my work desktop. I'd be in iPad Utopia.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could you use something like 'Screens'??? Actually, there's quite a few apps for this and this is one of the better ones. Some, though, are geared to the enterprise and allowing exceptions without giving blanket access. You might check some of these out. You might find Utopia yet!
writerranger said:
Could you use something like 'Screens'??? Actually, there's quite a few apps for this and this is one of the better ones. Some, though, are geared to the enterprise and allowing exceptions without giving blanket access. You might check some of these out. You might find Utopia yet!

I think ohana may be in the same boat as I am where it's work that won't allow it

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