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iPad User Guide (PDF & ePub)

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Wanna read your favorite PDF eBooks with iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iTouch, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble nook, Hanlin eReader, etc.?PDF to ePub Converter can make it.

This PDF to ePub Converter is a must-have tool for eBook reader owners to convert PDF document to ePub iBook format for reading on Apple iPad (using iBooks), iPhone and iPod Touch (using Lexcycle Stanza, Glider or iBooks on iOS 4.0+), Sony Reader, Android devices, Barnes & Noble nook, Hanlin eReader, BeBook, Bookeen Cybook Gen3, Cybook Opus, PocketBook Reader, etc.

This PDF to ePub Converter also provides some rich options such as batch conversion, customize output page range, select your favourite output mode-Custom Style (keep original, Ignore Images or Ignore Hyperlinks) or Each page as image to epub, etc.

To download guide and message stating unavailable in Canada :(
I have no problem buying books but I am not able to get epubs from the library. Has anyone been able to download to iPad?!:confused:
zanzor said:
You can also visit this web site and order a printed and bound version of the IPAD manual for version 1 or 2, I've ordered from them before and was pleased with what i received. Cheaper than it would had cost me to print it out..

Apple iPad User Manuals Shipped same day


I had printed out the IPAD 1 users guide from a PDF file. I sold the manual with a IPAD that I had sold. Took many pages to print.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 32 GB
zanzor said:
You can also visit this web site and order a printed and bound version of the IPAD manual for version 1 or 2, I've ordered from them before and was pleased with what i received. Cheaper than it would had cost me to print it out..

Apple iPad User Manuals Shipped same day


Now that would be great IF I could get it here in the UK I know half the fun of an iPad is no manual in the box, but I would like one for reference, will have to look for the same sort of deal here, someone must be doing them :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Vintage90 said:
Now that would be great IF I could get it here in the UK I know half the fun of an iPad is no manual in the box, but I would like one for reference, will have to look for the same sort of deal here, someone must be doing them :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF

If you have a local printers you could put the manual on a memory card and get them to print it for you.......also the local library might be able to do it.

The Archangel

Vintage90 said:
Now that would be great IF I could get it here in the UK I know half the fun of an iPad is no manual in the box, but I would like one for reference, will have to look for the same sort of deal here, someone must be doing them :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF

If you have a local printers you could put the manual on a memory card and get them to print it for you.......also the local library might be able to do it.

The Archangel

Sometimes the old way's are still the best :D
David1963 said:
Can anyone tell me if I have 3 G enabled but I am in a spot where there is Wifi does the i pad automatically use the wifi for downloads or do i nee dot switch off the 3 G connectivity?

It should switch back and forth automatically.
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Since this thread was created as an easy way to find iPad user manuals, we'll keep it as a sticky but go ahead and close it. If you have any questions and can't find an answer using our Search feature (top-left of every page), please don't hesitate to post or create a thread in the appropriate area. TIA!
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