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IPAD Video not working


iPF Noob
I downloaded a movie from Itunes to my IPAD two days ago. I then clicked on videos and clicked on the move to watch. I got through 1/3 of the move then it stopped the screen went black. I powered off and went back and no go. The screen is black.
Do you mean the screen is permanently black and that no apps at all work? Or is it just the video app that has a black screen? Can you play the errant video at all? Let us know if you can play any of that video or whether it keeps failing at the same place in the movie?

Do you mean the screen is permanently black and that no apps at all work? Or is it just the video app that has a black screen? Can you play the errant video at all? Let us know if you can play any of that video or whether it keeps failing at the same place in the movie?


I have the same video problem. After watching a handful of shows purchased through iTunes the video screen went black near the end of a show. Now all I get is a black screen when I push the video app. Any ideas?
Do you mean the screen is permanently black and that no apps at all work? Or is it just the video app that has a black screen? Can you play the errant video at all? Let us know if you can play any of that video or whether it keeps failing at the same place in the movie?


I have the same video problem. After watching a handful of shows purchased through iTunes the video screen went black near the end of a show. Now all I get is a black screen when I push the video app. Any ideas?

The easiest first way to try to solve ‘unexplained’ or ‘unusual’ problems with the iPad are:-

Force the offending app to close. If you have iOS 4.2 or 4.3 double-press the ‘Home’ button to bring up the multi-task bar at the bottom of the screen. Press *and hold* any icon until they start to ‘jiggle’. Then tap the top left-hand corner of the app that you want to close. It will ‘disappear’ from the list. Don’t panic - you’ve not deleted it, just closed it. Now tap the Home screen and the multi-task bar will disappear. Re-open the iPad’s app and see if the problem has resolved itself. If not, it’s on to possible solution number two!!
Restart the iPad. Press *and hold* the Power button. After a couple of seconds a slider control will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to switch the iPad off (this is all you’ll be doing). Slide the control to accept. A rotating white ‘bezel’ will appear in the iPad screen as the iPad powers down (it takes a few seconds, just like it would if you were shutting down your PC). When the screen of the iPad has gone completely blank, press *and hold* the Power button for a couple of seconds until the white Apple logo appears and the iPad starts to power up. This takes several seconds, so be patient. During the power up the automatic screen orientation function is disabled, so don’t panic. A few seconds before the power up is complete, the iPad plays a little ‘jingle’ and then you’re back to the Home screen. Restart the iPad’s app and see if the problem persists. Apple (and Forum members) recommend that you power down your iPad at least once a week, just as you might regularly completely switch off your PC. The normal procedure of just briefly pressing the Power button of the iPad merely puts it to ‘sleep’. Most Forum members have found that one of the two methods I’ve mentioned here cure a whole bunch of unexplained problems and are an easy first step to resolving most anything that happens on the iPad.

Same problem

Happened 3 days ago ... All videos play 2/3 and then stop and screen goes black ... Still works on MacBook but cant get videos to run full length on Ipad ... All videos bought trough Itunes and running Ipad1 ... Any ideas before I throw the whole thing into the corner?
Happened 3 days ago ... All videos play 2/3 and then stop and screen goes black ... Still works on MacBook but cant get videos to run full length on Ipad ... All videos bought trough Itunes and running Ipad1 ... Any ideas before I throw the whole thing into the corner?

I'm guessing you've tried the reset procedure that normally works?

Another 'easy to try' solution is a reboot - press and hold the Power and Home buttons together until the white Apple logo appears; the iPad will then reboot. See if the problem persists.

Also, what happens if you 'fast forward' through the video to the place it would normally stop? Does it still stop - or only when you play it at normal 'speed'?

Same problem - black screen - fix suggestions didn't work

After downloading a number of movies via iTunes, watching a few of them, with 3 minutes to go until the end of "Bambi" the video just stopped. Returning to the chapter selection we selected the last chapter. The screen went blank, just pure black. Hitting the home button got us out of it, but afterwards we can:

1. No longer run the default video viewer
2. No longer view the movies purchased on iTunes

The "Bambi" movie was a rental, so it's possible that the 24 hour window may clear the cache of whatever the default video app is trying to show, but we're not at the 24 hour window yet.

In the meantime, we followed the suggestions here, including a synch to the main laptop and, unfortunately, we're still in a black screen/no-functionality mode on the default video app.
After downloading a number of movies via iTunes, watching a few of them, with 3 minutes to go until the end of "Bambi" the video just stopped. Returning to the chapter selection we selected the last chapter. The screen went blank, just pure black. Hitting the home button got us out of it, but afterwards we can:

1. No longer run the default video viewer
2. No longer view the movies purchased on iTunes

The "Bambi" movie was a rental, so it's possible that the 24 hour window may clear the cache of whatever the default video app is trying to show, but we're not at the 24 hour window yet.

In the meantime, we followed the suggestions here, including a synch to the main laptop and, unfortunately, we're still in a black screen/no-functionality mode on the default video app.

So you tried (a) closing the Video app and (b) shutting the iPad down completely - i.e. not just putting it to sleep? Usually the black screen or app shutting down problem is due to a lack of memory (RAM not Flash) and the shutting down procedure 'cleans up' and 'consolidates' unused RAM from apps that don't need it. This usually results in the app in question now running without quitting.

Yes, Tim, a and b were done. Unfortunately, the problem still persists. The 24 hour rental we were viewing ends in about 8 hours. Hopefully, that will clear things up. In the meantime, I'll try the shutdown again.
The default video app only reset once the 24 hour rental period for the movie expired. This cleared whatever was stuck and the app began to work again. Still, we're out the money for the rental because the app did not work. We'll try contacting Apple and reference this thread.
pallega said:
The default video app only reset once the 24 hour rental period for the movie expired. This cleared whatever was stuck and the app began to work again. Still, we're out the money for the rental because the app did not work. We'll try contacting Apple and reference this thread.

Same problem.. Rented a movie and I can not access the video app
I found a way to work around the frozen app... I opened a podcast video from iTunes and it stated playing. I then stopped the video and was able to view other movies rented and in my library.

I was even able to view the movie that crashed from the beginning, however the minute I would select the Chapter where it stopped or a later chapter, the black screen would reappear.

I reported the problem to iTunes.. They are not sure if the issues is related to a hiccup in the download or the actual movie. whatever the issue, they refunded me for the rental.

I was having the same exact problem. Bought a season of a TV series through iTunes and it wouldn't play on the iPad. It would start, stop, go black and then I couldn't use the video app at all. Not even after a forced close and a complete shutdown of the iPad. Synced, uninstalled the video, reinstalled numerous times all with the same problem.

I did a system restore through iTunes and it seems to have solved the problem. So far I have watched two complete episodes with no problems, (knock on wood). I never got farther than 3 minutes into the first one before.

I've never done a system restore on my iPad and I was a bit apprehensive to do it but I'm glad I did. I got a lot of junk cleaned up while I was at it.
Video app not working

I also encountered the same problem of Video app showing black screen. It happened after I inadvertently closed the app while a video was playing. I have looked through the forums and it seems that a number of others have experienced the same issue. Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone manage to resolve it yet.

So far I have:
Closed and re-started the app.
Tried a restart of the iPad.
Used a soft reset.
Tried synching with the PC

None of the above worked. It might be worth noting that after synching the video wouldn't play on the PC either. I am beginning to wonder if that means the video file is corrupted. Hope that doesn't mean I will have to delete it and re-purchase it :(

Any suggestions would be more than welcome.

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