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IPAD Video not working

Bossman, try doing a system restore, it worked for me. Its been about 2 weeks and I haven't had any problem with the video now. Have played them almost daily.

Plug your iPad into your computer and on the main screen it will give you the option to restore. You'll have to reload all your content from iTunes but it's easy and it only takes a few minutes to select everything. The time consuming part is the sync. That will take hours.
I found a solution that worked well when looking through other threads. It might be useful to someone so here it is.

Go to search page and search for any video EXCEPT the one that caused the problem. Select it and open with the video player. This will bring normal functionality back to the player. You will probably need to delete the video that caused the problem as you will find it is corrupt which causes the freeze and the subsequent black screen. If you bought the video via iTunes Apple Support will be able to re-enable the download to recover your lost data.

This worked for me so hope it solves your problem too.
Video app not working

OMG! Thank you so much. I downloaded a TV series from iTunes as well and tried all of the options listed with no success. Your solution worked! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :thumbs:

I found a solution that worked well when looking through other threads. It might be useful to someone so here it is.

Go to search page and search for any video EXCEPT the one that caused the problem. Select it and open with the video player. This will bring normal functionality back to the player. You will probably need to delete the video that caused the problem as you will find it is corrupt which causes the freeze and the subsequent black screen. If you bought the video via iTunes Apple Support will be able to re-enable the download to recover your lost data.

This worked for me so hope it solves your problem too.
I have the same video problem. After watching a handful of shows purchased through iTunes the video screen went black near the end of a show. Now all I get is a black screen when I push the video app. Any ideas?

Thank You Tim, your advice helped me fix my problem with Ipad 1 video app not working.I had downloaded Mad Men series one and two from itunes and was watching them for a while then when I touched videos icon nothing happens. one extra thing I had to do to make it work was slide the multi-task bar to the left until video screen came on and touched the play button a couples of times and the pause button and eventually all back to normal so good advice and cheers.
I had the same problem and solved it thus:

After having tried many of the tips offered here in the forum, I decided I would try the drastic restore...scary. I then thought, well, before I do this I had better make sure I have backed up all my apps and stuff to my computer. I plugged the iPad into the computer, then I looked at my iPad in the device menu and just checked the TV programmes (one of which seemed to be the origin of my problem) and they were all fine in this menu. I then unplugged the iPad (before doing restore) and all of a sudden order was restored and everything working fine!!!

Problem is solved thanks to Bossman, but still Apple should offer an adequate solution and fix it! I am om iPad 2 and we are January 2012, this bug should has been fixed for long by now!
Bossman...YOU ARE MY HERO!!! I was ready to do a restore and then read your suggestion to play another video via the search procedure. 15 seconds later my iPad 2 is back to working like a charm!!! OMG...YOU ARE THE MASTER! Thank you so much to the deliciously simple solution. I wish you good karma for the rest of your life. :-)

Best, Mr. Luigi
I downloaded a movie from Itunes to my IPAD two days ago. I then clicked on videos and clicked on the move to watch. I got through 1/3 of the move then it stopped the screen went black. I powered off and went back and no go. The screen is black.

I am also experiencing the same problem right now...the reason why I found this site...MY VIDEO APPLICATION IS NOT WORKING! THE SCREEN IS BLACK WHEN YOU OPEN THE VIDEO APP....PLEASE HELP ME!

I am also experiencing the same problem right now...the reason why I found this site...MY VIDEO APPLICATION IS NOT WORKING! THE SCREEN IS BLACK WHEN YOU OPEN THE VIDEO APP....PLEASE HELP ME!

Guys i think i found an easier and more simple solution:

1.go to Settings
2.go to General
3.go to Usage
4.(under Storage) go to Video
5.hit Edit and delete the file that caused the problem

You're done!

Go back to videos, should be working fine..
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I'm having trouble with my video ap, but it's not because it doesn't play videos, they all play fine.

But when I download anyhting new from itunes, it replaces what's already there and others and makes replicas of the new show. The old shows aren't deleted, as when I search for them on my ipad, I can find them and watch them that way, but I can't watch them through my video app. And If I do want to download something new, I have to then back up my ipad to icloud, delete what's already there, and then download it. And If I want to watch something from before, I have to delete the new shows, and download the old ones back from i cloud.

I've tried googling this problem, but it doesn't seem that anyone has had this problem.

I've tried restarting, connecting my ipad to my macbook, nothing works!!!

Please help!!!!!

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