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iPad without iTunes?


iPF Noob
Hi all,

My dad just bought an iPad, and I've been playing with it for a few days, setting up a bunch of apps on it for him. I've grown quite attached to this little device and thinking about buying one for myself. My biggest issue with the iPad is that I HATE iTunes with a passion. The first time I connected this iPad to my machine with iTunes installed, it (for whatever reason) decided to delete all the apps off the iPad. WTF? Thankfully there were backup copies in iTunes, but I lost my high score in Paper Toss... I was NOT happy :mad: It also crashes quite frequently when I'm viewing the different tabs inside the device. For these reasons (and many others), having to use iTunes to sync with the iPad is a deal breaker for me.

So, I'm wondering if once you jailbreak an iPad, is it possible to transfer music, books, apps, and whatever else to the device without using iTunes, preferably doing so wirelessly via drag and drop with the iPad as a drive letter?
You can use MediaMonkey to manage music/podcasts. But for all the rest (apps, videos, bookmarks, contacts, calendar, mail, etc.) you're tied to iTunes. Which I think is slow and unresponsive. We'd need a hack to bypass that soon!
nope, iTunes is pretty much it. You may find some apps that will let you manage music/playlists or even photo's. But to be able to manage everything you need iTunes.

Since your having a ton of issues im going to guess your using iTunes on a Windows PC. If you are using it on a windows PC many users have had issues with iTunes and previouse version of Quicktime being installed.

Uninstall iTunes
Uninstall Quicktime.
Download and install latest quicktime from apple.com
download and install latest iTunes from apple.com

If you do those steps in that order your issues with freezing or crashing should go away.
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I had no links to images (or emoticons) anywhere in the post.
Using itunes

Just testing. I tried to post a response to this, but it says:

To be able to post links or images your post count must be 3 or greater. You currently have 1 posts.

Please remove links from your message, then you will be able to submit your post.

I had no links to images (or emoticons) anywhere in the post.

As mike say you are tied to iTunes, most of the problem come from two reason

1) old version
2) not the right iTunes account

i guess he delete your app’s for this reason you don’t use the same account as the iPad be register …

you have several parallel software for manage your library (music and movie) but if you want to enjoy 100% of your device you should use iTunes i admit is not perfect but it’s the simplest and easy way to sync the device so spend a little time to learn it an i believe you will like it more
The version of iTunes I have installed is one i downloaded from itunes.com a few days ago, and it was a fresh installation. The account is the same too. It really doesn't matter though, cuz the iPad is out of my hands, so I can uninstall this POS.

Anyway, I updated iTunes on my dad's machine today, and set it up to manually sync, because my stepmom has an iPod and my dad doesn't want her music synching to his iPad. I then tried to sync the iPad. It says that the iPad can only be synced with one iTunes library and wants to erase everything on the iPad, presumably because I had previously synced it to my own computer. GRRRRR!!! (Oh, and did I mention that I HATE iTunes? It is the bane of my existence. This kind of stupidity is a prime example of engineers who deserve to be beaten to death.) So I found a link on the Apple support site that shows you how to right click on the device and transfer purchases, which I did, but it's still prompting me to erase the contents of the iPad when I try to put anything on it, even though the computer is authorized. Now I don't know what to do :(

With my Android phone, I plug it in via USB, it shows up as a drive letter, and I just copy over what I want... no software required. Why is this so complicated? Don't get me wrong... I'm not an Android fanboy and really like the iPad, but iTunes has got to go. It's a lot like an airplane - it works fine as long as you leave it on autopilot, but if you need to take manual control for some reason, you'd better know what you're doing, or else you're going to run it into the ground.
Far as i know , when you sync the device to a new computer if the library is not the same he will not accept to just add the song in the device he will erase it , i also dislike this point … try to don’t thick sync the song … maybe that will solve your problem
I must be particularly patient....or lucky. I am a PC user, have used iTunes for a long while, and have no issues with it. It can't get much easier than plugging it in, and clicking "sync". The things others want to do, such as drag things in, just seem like MORE work to me!
I must be particularly patient....or lucky. I am a PC user, have used iTunes for a long while, and have no issues with it. It can't get much easier than plugging it in, and clicking "sync". The things others want to do, such as drag things in, just seem like MORE work to me!

Agree, once I took the time to learn how to use it, I had zero problems. As I've said several times I sync my wife's iPad, my iPad and my iPhone to a little netbook running windows 7 starter, no problems and easy.... All three devices have different apps, music and photos..... No problems.

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