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Is it possible to jailbreak my iPad 2 6.0.1 without iTunes?

Depends on the manufacturer. Mine Is an HP, and the software is called Recovery Manager. Yours may be different, but it should exist.

Sent from my stock iPad 2
No. I hate redsn0w and I don't know who in their right mind could ever use it. Honestly it has never been any good for me at all because its always stuck in a feathered jailbreak and every device I've jailbroke with it gets bricked the same day. Do not use it. Upgrade to iOS 6.1.2 and use Evasi0n. It's the wise way to go.

As for your problem with iTunes, I don't have a clue. I've had issues more times that you can count with iTunes but all I have to do is uninstall it and reboot then re-install it then reboot and its fixed. I would try calling apple support about that.

RedSn0w jailbreaks and utilities are more "trustworthy" than Sn0wBreeze in my opinion. Smoother UI, easier user experience, and won't push you into a brickwall because of all the custom this custom that that Sn0wBreeze loves doing. If you're bricking your device, you're doing something wrong on your end. Plus, RedSn0w isn't updated for iOS 6 jailbreak on A5+ devices, so the iPad 2 won't work with it.

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