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iPad wont sync Movies from iTunes encoded with 0.9.2 version of handbrake (or earlier


iPF Noob
i have been trying to sync my iPad with my Mac Mini, all is going well apart from it wont sync certain movies.

The only thing i can see with the films it wont sync is the version of handbrake is was encoded with.

It syncs all the movies i have bought from the iTunes store, and any of my own dvds that i have encoded with handbrake version 0.9.3, but not earlier!

the problem is, ive slowly been encoding my dvds over the last few years and have gone through several updates of handbrake!!

All other encodes work on my MacBook Pro, mac Mini, Apple TV & iPhone, just not on my iPad!!!

Any suggestions please? Itll take me ages to figure out what film was encoded with what version!!!

Thanks in advance.

The first step without knowing anything else would be to look at how the movies that don't work are encoded by just opening up one of them in QuickTime Player then doing Cmd-I (or: Window > Show Movie Inspector) and just see what the encoder was, size, bitrate, etc, and compare to one that does play.

The older ones might have been encoded with an older codec, in which case you'll either need to (1) re-encode, or (2) just wait for iPad's OS to catch up. (A few years ago Safari on the Mac couldn't open my cameras I had on the 'net but eventually it got so it could.)

You might also want to see if there's any free movie apps that let you view videos and see if they can possibly display them (search in the iTunes store).

Also, why don't you just email Handbrake's developer and ask? Maybe there's a simple answer.

That's a bunch 'o suggestions for you to spend your evening on.

I feel your pain, though...ugh. All that work.

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