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"ipad you make me so mad".. ipad poetry..

My iPad is peculiar
It won't play with Flash
I can't install a program
That doesn't come from apps
There isn't any camera
There isn't any porn
I wonder why I bought it
Just after it was born.
But maybe I should keep it;
I'm just a wannabe
And after all the ipad's cool
That's all it means to me.
Wait, you have so much free cash you can spend that much on a product with no research?!

Wow. Colour me impressed!

There was a young man from michigan
Who loved to moan and bitch again
But when buying his 'pad
This silly old lad
Forgot to do adequate research, and instead followed the crowd who ood and ahd at Steve Jobs and his wonderful marketing team.

I was never any good at making limericks scan :)
Well let's see...the iPhone, running the same OS, has been out since 2007. No Flash in the OS since day one. Yet he had no clue about it. He complains and complains about the iPad every other thread...then the ones in between he actually seems to like the iPad. The conclusion is, he probably just likes to hear himself talk. And his spelling, grammar, and lack of ability to use the quote function properly makes my eyes bleed. He even wears on the moderators' patience, and he was a pubic hair away from being banned just last week.
Well let's see...the iPhone, running the same OS, has been out since 2007. No Flash in the OS since day one. Yet he had no clue about it. He complains and complains about the iPad every other thread...then the ones in between he actually seems to like the iPad. The conclusion is, he probably just likes to hear himself talk. And his spelling, grammar, and lack of ability to use the quote function properly makes my eyes bleed. He even wears on the moderators' patience, and he was a pubic hair away from being banned just last week.

OMG. I can't stop laughing. You're killin me here!
He complains and complains about the iPad every other thread..


Hey math you should talk, all you do is follow my threads and complain about my grammar, my post, or how much you hate me..

If my post bother you so much plz don't open or post in them, and plz stop stalking me..

There is nothing wrong with being critical, as long as you do it in a responsible way...
I saw the title, and saw the poster
and immediately was filled with dread.
For Ultrimate was at it again,
with another iPad-bashing thread.

He purchased the item on an impulse, a whim,
yet it's WE who suffer buyer's regret
for he's joined our ranks to rail with vigor and vim
and no signs of slowing yet.

Should we be surprised he didn't know it won't Flash?
He doesn't know it has spellcheck either.
After all it also does grammar check,
and hey, he don't use that neither.

We don't know why he got it. Popularity? Looks?
Maybe he's a student or gamer,
(But one thing is certain, it clearly wasn't to read books)
Perhaps because he IS the ultimate... lamer.
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Lol, good one, I'm flattered u wrote a poem on lil ol' me..

If some of u are confused about me, I have a love/hate thing for the iPad..

I love it cuz it the ultimate gadget to have for surfing web or downloading apps..

I hate it as it falls short of a few things...

So I end up saying this is great but if only it had... So and so..
Lol, good one, I'm flattered u wrote a poem on lil ol' me..
Hey, you'd be surprised how handy basic literacy skills are. ;)

I hate it as it falls short of a few things...

So I end up saying this is great but if only it had... So and so..

I agree with that sentiment. I just don't feel the need to post about it over and over...

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