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iPad1 stuck in recovery loop FW 4.3.3

i am not sure if local apple store would replace my ipad with the new one, since i brought it from USA. even it still in warrantee period ?
I was having the similar problem with an iPhone 3GS I had. What I ended up doing to fix it was to restore using iTunes to 4.3.2 (using shift + restore and yes you will still get the connect to iTunes display and error in iTunes) and then use redsn0w to jailbreak 4.3.2. Then use redsn0w to restore to jailbroken 4.3.2. I don't remember if I had to use tinyumbrella or not. But I do know that I didn't have my sim card in while doing that. So maybe something to try since nothing else works. This isn't the latest firmware but hey if it gets it up and running you have something to work with then.
Hallo mas maim,
Seem the same problem with my ipad few days ago...
Keep on trying to restore...
Few times i did on my hackintosh...
And it works well when i use iTunes on win7... Still don't know what is the real root cause
I use 4.3.3 and works fine for several times try using iTunes,
And holla now already jailbreak again,

Keep trying mas...
Warm regars from batam ipad users
Hallo mas maim,
Seem the same problem with my ipad few days ago...
Keep on trying to restore...
Few times i did on my hackintosh...
And it works well when i use iTunes on win7... Still don't know what is the real root cause
I use 4.3.3 and works fine for several times try using iTunes,
And holla now already jailbreak again,

Keep trying mas...
Warm regars from batam ipad users

thanks for the sharing mas nurdin.

i finally go to apple authorized sevice provider, and they only take a few minute to restore my ipad back to 4.3.3.
they didn't tell me exactly what's the problem, but i am just too excited with my ipad back to normal.

a few day later, i JB my ipad with redsnow 0.9.6.cr16 without any problem. install some applications from hackolous.us smoothly.

but a couple days later i found it in off condition, i think caused by the battery is death. re-charging it, and it turn on with usb cable and itunes logo.
the same problem has back again.
i am sure i use redsnow with unthreated JB to avoid any problem caused by accidently turn off.

i am just curious if i can fix this up by my self without going to apple store again.

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