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Ipad2 won't connect to my wi-fi ?


iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Orlando FLorida
New Ipad2: It connected to my friends Wi Fi at her house, but it wont connect at mine.
It shows my WIfi name ( a series of numbers and letters) and when I click on it to connect to it, it sent up a message saying it couldnt do it. Now I know my other friends Mac Book was easily able to connect to my Wi Fi at home, So I dont know what this could be about... Any ideas?
Do you have a uVerse box or a newer router? My mom upgraded our internet and cable to uverse last summer. I spent countless hours trying to add my iphone to network and it would not.

Newsflash: There is a difference between wifi and wireless.

If you have uverse or some kinda resembling router, you might have a wifi switch, either on the box or in your app on your computer. Try that out. If that doesn't work, call support. It's most likely something to the effect if you were able to connect somewhere else.

hehe (my mom uses it to keep my bros off their ipods late at night)
what is the difference between wi fi and wireless? we have a router and a modem that are a few years old. Both of my PC's work fine on it. Does that helP I'm desperate here :)
The screen says:
Wi-fi On
Choose a Network...
(the numbers and letters of my network_

Ask to Join Networks.

Then, I clicked on the number of my network and a screen came up saying "Unalbe to join the network (numbers and leters of my network" and then has abutton saying dismiss. Thats all the info on the screen.
Oh man, these questions are way beyond my skill level. Maybe I'll need to rope a more tech savvy friend to come out. Thanks for try ing though :)

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