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IPAD3 Video via HDMI out does not show full Resolution on HDTV


iPF Noob
I just bought a new IPAD3. Now when I connect via AirPlay or an HDMI cable via adaptor, I do not get full res on my TV. I see black bars on either side. I can put the TV in wide mode but that stretches the mirrored image which isn't right. I looked up and down for settings on the IPAD that would allow one to choose the resolution going out the HDMI. Now these new IPADs have a 2048 x 1536 native resolution. And most TVs are 1920x1080. So technically the TV should scale down the higher res image to it's native resolution. But for some reason, the video out of the HDMI or AIRPLAY seems to appear more of a 4x3 format. Hence, I'm inclined to believe that the resolution from the HDMI out is probably something like 720x480P. Does anyone have any insight to properly get the higher full res 16x9 video out of the IPAD?


This means that the ipad will output a 473=1.334 screen even on a 1920 by 1080 screen. I don't think there is a way around this...if you mirror the iPad display on your TV you're going to get an 4:3 image.
I just bought a new IPAD3. Now when I connect via AirPlay or an HDMI cable via adaptor, I do not get full res on my TV. I see black bars on either side. I can put the TV in wide mode but that stretches the mirrored image which isn't right. I looked up and down for settings on the IPAD that would allow one to choose the resolution going out the HDMI. Now these new IPADs have a 2048 x 1536 native resolution. And most TVs are 1920x1080. So technically the TV should scale down the higher res image to it's native resolution. But for some reason, the video out of the HDMI or AIRPLAY seems to appear more of a 4x3 format. Hence, I'm inclined to believe that the resolution from the HDMI out is probably something like 720x480P. Does anyone have any insight to properly get the higher full res 16x9 video out of the IPAD?

Considering that this thread is from March 26th, and that the original poster, aseraj, only has one post, and never logged in to this site since, I doubt that any of this will be of any use to the OP, but I'll reply for completeness.

The most important thing, which happens to be missing is information about the source video that is used.

* Is the source video an older 4:3 video, or is it a wide-screen video.

If the video is 4:3, it will play full-screen on the iPad, but due to a different screen aspect ratio, it will play with black borders on the sides on a widescreen TV.


* If it is a wide-screen video, is it one that was downloaded through iTunes, or one created using something else.

If it is a self-created video, it could be that the movie was done using a conversion tool that did not remove black borders.


which will affect the way it looks on both the iPad and the TV as well.


The iPad3 is fully capable of displaying 1080p video through an HDMI cable with the adapter, as well as sending it through AirPlay over to an Apple TV, but of course the results depend greatly on what source video you are using for it.

Of course the other thing to take into account is that Bluray, as well as the HD movies for the iPad3 from iTunes have a resolution that does not exceed 1080p, so the iPad3 actually upscales the video to its higher screen resolution, and if you use Airplay, it actually sends the video file data over and then the Apple TV is doing the work to display it on TV, so the iPad screen doesn't even come into play.
Is it possible to completely fill the screen of an HD tv mirroring the ipad3 via apple tv with other media than video, say, pictures or other type of presentations ?

Is it worth buying an HD tv for an office, for presentations using ipad3 + apple tv?

Thanks :)

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