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iPAD3 wishes vs iPAD2


iPF Noob
Check this link,

AppleInsider | Dual core SGX543 dramatically boosts iPad 2 graphics

Read thru the comments, then look at the comments in this forum on what iPAD3 should be and why they are waiting, and skipping iPAD2.

Forgive me for suggesting links to other information souces, but this is really an eye opener.

iPAD2 is a revolutionary evolution in the development of touch screen tablet.
Apple is the competition... Macbook Air incorporates most of the features many want in iPAD3 and beyond.

To read a book, try holding "Air" in one hand ... light weight and fast with a bigger screen. Then hold iPAD2 in one hand and feel the difference...

iPAD is great ... it works well ... iPAD2 is WOW... "AIR" is an entirely different dimension.

All in one ???????? so we only need to carry one device. Dream on ...

Then digest what John Gruber has laid out for consideration ...

Daring Fireball
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Those two posts really got me thinking. And seeing the ipad 2 smoke everything else only goes to prove once again that everyone else is still playing catchup.....and always will be :)
The second site was very enjoyable to read and has many points I see myself agreeing with, such as:

"This is how the designers and engineers at Apple roll: They roll.

They take something small, simple, and painstakingly well considered. They ruthlessly cut features to derive the absolute minimum core product they can start with. They polish those features to a shiny intensity. At an anticipated media event, Apple reveals this core product as its Next Big Thing, and explains — no, wait, it simply shows — how painstakingly thoughtful and well designed this core product is. The company releases the product for sale.

Then everyone goes back to Cupertino and rolls. As in, they start with a few tightly packed snowballs and then roll them in more snow to pick up mass until they’ve got a snowman. That’s how Apple builds its platforms. It’s a slow and steady process of continuous iterative improvement — so slow, in fact, that the process is easy to overlook if you’re observing it in real time. Only in hindsight is it obvious just how remarkable Apple’s platform development process is."
more insights into A5

The following shows the sophistication in Apples latest beauty ... iPAD2 ref: Appleinsider... todays postings.

"The new A5 processor used by iPad 2 incorporates Samsung's new 46nm Low Power DDR2 memory, uses a variable clock speed"

"In addition to much faster graphics based on the dual core SGX543MP2 graphics technology licensed from Imagination Technologies, the A5 also boasts dual processing cores based on ARM Cortex A9, with a dynamically set clock speed.

Dynamic clock, faster RAM

"While the A4 clock speed was steady at 1 GHz," Yogasingam said, "the A5 clock speed varies depending on the application being run. This would indicate an advanced power management circuitry controlling the clock speeds of the cores—something new for the A5 and may explain the use of a different power management IC from Dialog Semiconductor."

Also notable in the A5 is the use of fast new Low Power DDR2 DRAM memory. "What is also interesting is that teardowns performed at two UBM TechInsights locations (in Austin and Ottawa) revealed two different LPDDR2 DRAM from two different manufacturers (Samsung and Elpida). The Samsung K4P2G324EC LPDDR2 die is the first time we’ve seen Samsung’s new 46nm LPDDR2 memory. This also tells us that Apple is fully prepared to package multiple LPDDR2 offerings."

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