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iPadForums.net Seidio Ipad Case Giveaway!

loving the ipad is an easy task, imagine if you will, i can sit on the john and browse the internet endlessly without breaking my wrist from holding a 3+lb laptop, without charging every 2-4 hours and lastly, laying in bed browsing.
Brian's Top Ten why I love my iPad.

10. My ipad is shiny.
9. My iPad helped me lose weight (lost the my heavy Dell laptop)
8. My iPad is a selling machine (it's trying to sell my Dell on eBay)
7. My iPad made me popular at work (I'm that guy with the new toy)
6. My iPad made me popular with my clients
5. My iPad scares my wife (she can have the iMac)
4. My iPad does not like Farmville (another reason my wife will avoid the pad)
3. My iPad motivated me to take up reading
2. My iPad will change computing as we once knew it

And my #1. My iPad needs protection so it can continue to amaze the masses, and practice "safe computing".
I love my Ipad because it will keep me occupied during many hours of down time at hotel rooms throughout the country. I don't have one yet but already love it.....

I love my iPad because it allows me to enjoy browsing more than before... B-iPad (before), I would sit with my laptop but with so much to do, i would launch a few vms, write code and not just browse and consume. Since the iPad I have found new forums, visited old ones more and the iPad slows things down.

Plus, a true story, I bought the iPad with recent stock market gains from msft :)
I work at a major Computer Help Center, and I have always been the PDA and similar mobile devices guy. Because I have always loved them.
You never see me anywhere without one.

The IPad is definitely my favorite now.
I was going to have to be waiting for a 3G, but that wouldn't do.
While I am waiting for that, I had to go ahead and pay for a wifi/16.

It is wonderful.
When I get the new one, this will go to my wife.
She is surprisingly, a technophobe, and I have had to drag her into modern devices.
I haven't told her yet, but when I get the new one, This will be hers.

This one won't be a chore to get her to learn though.
I have already had trouble getting it back from her a few times when I handed it to her to see some new feature or app.
I love my ipad for 3 main reasons:
1. It allows me to entertain myself watching videos, playing games, reading and listening to music. Airplane trips and visits to the doctor are a lot easier now.
2. I can keep track of what's happening in the world.
3. I am a high school teacher and it is easy to carry it to and from school everyday to use in my classroom, not to mention my students think I'm "really cool" for having one.
I love my iPad because it allows me to enjoy browsing more than before... B-iPad (before), I would sit with my laptop but with so much to do, i would launch a few vms, write code and not just browse and consume. Since the iPad I have found new forums, visited old ones more and the iPad slows things down.

Plus, a true story, I bought the iPad with recent stock market gains from msft :)

Haha now that's a good story :cool:
I love my Apple iPad because I have the satisfaction of being able to wake up early Saturday morning and play games with my little 6 year old sister as we eat breakfast. I love my iPad because it is greatly designed, sturdy, durable, fast, usefull, fun, and most importantly it allows me to spend more time with my family playing games such as scrabble. I would love to win this case, because right now the iPad is totally unprotected. This would save me the money of actually finding the right one to buy. I pray that I will win.
While I have not received my iPad yet, (waiting on 3g 64GB), I have loved it for months. It will replace my netbook, Kindle, ipod, and many functions on my iphone. One device that will do the work of four devices and will accomplish this faster and better. It's sleek and beautiful and the accessories I purchase for it must be as stylish as it is.
I was going to say I love my iPad because it isn't available here in the UK until the end of April, now I'm going to say I absolutely LOVE my iPad because it's not out here in the UK until the end of MAY!!!!!

Now I can keep going into the Apple stores here and feel like Steve Jobs every time the Apple store staff crowd round me wanting to look and touch the thing.

It is the strangest and best feeling all in one especially when every one walks away saying "I'm going to buy one"

Never before have I sat on the subway/tube having to build up the courage to get the thing out to use it, always knowing it will be met with stares and pointed fingers from fellow commuters.
i saw this @ Apple store on 2nd day, went in to the store, just bought it... lol... I do not know why but it looked so sexy i just had to get it lol... I love everything about it.. Haven't touched my laptop since the day i got my iPad, and i charge my droid every 2 + days now ( before maybe 10 hrs??). I take this to everywhere. I know there are many haters out there but if you just try this @ stores, you will love it! and this is from a guy who always been a Windows/Linux user!
I love my iPad because my x-wife is a System Admin and it burns her up that I have one and she doesn't!

She believes she knows all there is to know about everything! I told her the iPad will change the way she does business, of course she scoffed. 1 week before the initial release date of the blessed iPad; her boss informed her they were getting 30.

To know that she is reminded daily that she does not know all, missed the boat on being proactive about implementing it in her workspace and that I have an iPad with more GBs than her corporate issued one...is just bliss.

I goto sleep each night smiling as I snuggle with my iPad and gentle thoughts of vivid 1080p like visuals of that stupid stupid look on her face as she stews in her own juices!

Yessiree...I like it. I like it a lot.

Winning the case would be the icing on the cake!

Whew...been wanting to share that since April 3rd. Feels good!

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