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iPadForums.net Upgrade Problems - Issues Thread

Thank you kindly Diane!;) No, no, regrettably It was another chap. I was the manor's Bassett Hound who continues to get kissed by the downstairs scullery maid with no magic transformation whatsoever taking place..:oops:
Now that's no way to speak of your wife Andrew!:p
OK! Back on topic! Ever since the new upgrade I have to sign in EVERY single time! EVEN when I switch pages! Grrrr. I sigh in and check the keep me logged in choice. Nothing changes! This is very frustrating to me! Thanks for any and all suggestions! Diane/squib
OK! Back on topic! Ever since the new upgrade I have to sign in EVERY single time! EVEN when I switch pages! Grrrr. I sigh in and check the keep me logged in choice. Nothing changes! This is very frustrating to me! Thanks for any and all suggestions! Diane/squib
That's why you always seem to be offline. o_O
Diane, did you choose "Always" in Settings - Safari - Block Cookies?

Or is Safari in Private mode? You'll see it when it looks like this:

with the dark header.
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One of the things I love is the watched threads list. If the old iteration had it I never found it.


You got pretty much the same thing with the Subscribed view in the old software; but getting to that view was not as obvious. One of the best things about the new software is that the features/views are far easier to discover.

I'm rather fond of the New Posts view. I'm pretty much ready to remove the RSS feeds for iPF from my newsreader (a way of seeing new threads in another app). This is nearly as efficient and I don't have to switch back to Safari to respond.

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