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Ipads in school


iPF Noob
I I am an ICT technician in a lot of primary schools. I am doing some research at the moment regarding having iPads in schools and how well they work. Does anyone know if I can get an iPad to connect to the schools network (windows server 2008) access and edit and save back to original location. I have downloaded file browser which picks up all the files I need to, but obviously cannot edit them. Is there a simple way to do this? Your feedback will be much appreciated.

Many thanks
I'm interested in this topic too. I am researching iPad in schools myself. To answer your q I think connection should nog be a problem through settings. Do you know if you can flick files from one iPad to the next?
Your server would work fine with the iPads as long as you have a sufficient wireless network. You can email many different files from iPad to iPad and there are many different apps to create word documents, presentations, videos etc. I'm highly against having these for high school students. Not only is it hard to keep them off of during class, it's also hard to control what sites they go under. High school students aren't responsible and these iPads are pretty much a distraction to say the least. I am currently a high school student and I admit I don't have the self control to put the thing down and actually do something. Many of the kids are like this and I see smart kids grades dropping and mine are too. Don't spend your money on these and don't do it to save paper. I hate these iPads, a Mac or PC at the computer lab is just fine and just because there are many pros to these thing, I think that the distraction is too great and we need a better way to function. This is just my opinion, I don't like these in class and I wish the school wouldn't have bought them.
I dont know if its a bit late but..... there are apps that transfer quickly such as Bump. (Drop box is also a favourite. Ipads work just fine on a network. Younger students deal better with tablets - then they become embedded in learning. Tablets are amazing for differentiation and 24/7 learning and flipped classrooms. Read the research online and make your own mind up for your own students. Paper and pen can be a distraction....students pass notes and doodle.

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