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Iphone5s and ipad air freezing


iPF Noob
Anybody else having a problem with their ipad air freezing and than it eventually re boots itself? It's happened a few time. My iPhone 5s does the same thing. Thanks
I have both the air and 5s and love both and haven't experienced any issues with either. I'm a pretty heavy user on both my ipad and iPhone using them for work, play and relaxing.
What were you doing when the Air crashed? There are some issues with Safari crashing when more than one tab are opened. It seems to affect browsing the most. Just curious when you see the crash.
Anybody else having a problem with their ipad air freezing and than it eventually re boots itself? It's happened a few time. My iPhone 5s does the same thing. Thanks ddc0cdde03dde09dde04dde0acdf85cdf84cdf81cdf40

It has happened quite a few times with me on iPad 4, mainly when I use apps requiring high RAM, like some games.
What were you doing when the Air crashed? There are some issues with Safari crashing when more than one tab are opened. It seems to affect browsing the most. Just curious when you see the crash.

That had happened with me, but the iPad did not restart. Only Safari closed completely.
My Air has been freezing on my work email, for example, even though I don't have much open and I'm using my Air just as I did my other iPads. The iPad line needs more RAM to keep up with increasingly taxing firmware and apps. At this rate, I won't buy another iPad until Apple adds RAM.
Anybody else having a problem with their ipad air freezing and than it eventually re boots itself? It's happened a few time. My iPhone 5s does the same thing. Thanks 

I have iPad Air and MINI Retina, both of them used to Freezing and reboots itself.
That had happened with me, but the iPad did not restart. Only Safari closed completely.

Safari won't run since updating my iPad 3 to IOS 7 (now at 7.0.4 and problem still happens). Closing all other apps doesn't fix it. Chrome works fine and I don't have any problems on my iPhone 4S. This is a pain since URL links try to open Safari by default. I wish I could change my default browser to Chrome. I also get the occasional reboot.
Safari won't run since updating my iPad 3 to IOS 7 (now at 7.0.4 and problem still happens). Closing all other apps doesn't fix it. Chrome works fine and I don't have any problems on my iPhone 4S. This is a pain since URL links try to open Safari by default. I wish I could change my default browser to Chrome. I also get the occasional reboot.
Did you update to iOS 7 and iOS 7.0.4 using the OTA method? It's possible that your update was corrupted somehow, your problems with Safari are not normal and should not be happening if everything was operating properly.

Download the proper version of iOS 7.0.4 to your computer and do the update through iTunes. Once completed, let us know if it works.
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I always do OS updates through iTunes. I think I installed iOS 7.0.3 and then upgraded to 7.0.4 when that was released. Anyway, everything else is working pretty well. I get the occasional reboot that people have reported, but that's rare. I wish there was a way to just reinstall Safari.
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I always do OS updates through iTunes. I think I installed iOS 7.0.3 and then upgraded to 7.0.4 when that was released. Anyway, everything else is working pretty well. I get the occasional reboot that people have reported, but that's rare. I wish there was a way to just reinstall Safari.
Take a look at your Settings. Safari is a built in app and can't be deleted. Maybe it's restricted. Go to Settings - General - Restrictions - Allow. If Safari is disabled, that's the reason why it doesn't open. Enable it.
Hi All,
I am new to all things Apple and was very interested to read this thread, as I also had issues, but slightly different. In my case it has happened only twice since I got my iPad (only have it 3 weeks) and in both cases it was after charging. It was fully charged 100% and froze when I tried to do anything. The first time I did not know what happened or indeed what I did to get it going as I tried everything and eventually it worked. The second time I was a little more concerned that I might have had a faulty unit so I searched the internet and found how to get it going again. What I did was to hold down both the menu button and the start button for about 10 seconds until it eventually popped up the Apple logo. I have had no further issues since, however I do seem to have a very heavy drain on the battery for no obvious reason. This morning having charged it overnight, I shut down the iPad and did not use it till late afternoon and when I switched it on found that there was only 35% charge left, don't know why as the Bluetooth is switched off. Sorry for being long winded, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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