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Is getting a 3G Ipad worth it?

Well it depends on your needs and current tech "lifestyle" With a BlackBerry plan and a data plan for my other Cell coupled with the fact that WiFi is everywhere that I visit I definitely gained by saving $100+ difference between the iPad Hardware and then more $$$ on the Data Plans, but like I said before it depends on your needs. I have a mix of buddies some of whom sprang for the 3G and never used it while others are hardcore users. Anyways hope it helps, good luck.
if you are in the US i think 3G ipad is not worth it! All 3G carriers suck here. Its more like Edge just a bit faster.

You are better off with the Wifi version with a mifi device. More reliable carriers this way.

I'm currently using my iphone 4 with MyWi (JB App) to wirelessly tether to my Ipad. Works great except for the crappy AT&T 3G service.

So I plan on getting the Clearwire's ISpot. $25 a month for unlimited 4G, sounds like a good deal to me. This way I will now have 4G on my Ipad & Iphone =)

Of course I will be lowering the iphone's data plan to $15 to upset the monthly cost.
Got mine when they first came out, have NEVER used the 3g, but, we have iPhones if needed when there is no wi-fi. Should'a gone for the extra storage. But, that's just us.
My objection is, why should I pay for a second HSPDA/GPRS account when I already have one?

My solution, at the moment at least, is to use WMWiFiRouter to connect my iPad to 3G when I need it, via my existing Mobile Phone. It seems to work quite well.

Just because you get the 3G version, you don't have to keep the 3G on... There is NO contract and you never have to activate it. If you want to use a full GPS chip, then you only get that with 3G.

I use the GPS all the time - my phone is a Blackberry Curve, company provided - while commuting an hour each way every day. With no other way of maintaining a connection the whole time, 3G made the most sense. Also, as I take trips quite a bit, and go to conventions, 3G has been a lifesaver.

I am going to be home most of December, so I will probably not enable 3G and save the money that month. The fact that it is available with no contract is probably the #1 reason I went ahead and got the 3G.
If internet connectivity isn't a prime concern, then I guess the WIFI model would do.

I got my iPad specifically for mobile browsing and email... I wound up with an iPad rather than an iPhone or iPod because it has a decent screen size. (You don't have to squint at a little square).. I selected the 3G model because I'm not always near a WIFI hotspot when I'm driving around or at many of the places I normally visit. My 3G carrier charges 35 bucks a month for 5GB of data. I can afford it, so it's no big deal.

As others have mentioned. The WIFI only model doesn't have dedicated GPS hardware built in. (I don't know why). I never got the 3G iPad for the built-in GPS receiver, but was very pleased to find out that it had the capability. It's a handy feature.
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I personally have no reason for the 3G version I can link my wm mobile phone if I am out of range and need to get on the net.
(32gig wifi only iPad here)
Seems like I have the best deal. I have a duplicated Micro-Sim as in my phone, so I am sharing the 3G internet with no extra cost. Just usability of bandwidth
Just because you get the 3G version, you don't have to keep the 3G on... There is NO contract and you never have to activate it. If you want to use a full GPS chip, then you only get that with 3G.

I wasn't quite clear about that. I would have liked to have GPS, without 3G.

I am not sure whether it was intentional, but Apple has precluded the use of Bluetooth GPS.

Perhaps there is a WiFi GPS but I haven't found one yet.
I understood.

Jailbreaking would allow the opening of the BT Stack and allow for the use of BT GPS pucks.

Wifi GPS? Nah, I think those would get too expensive, and would probably not be able to be used even if they existed in the same way that iOS does not allow the BT Stack to be fully open.

Getting a BT Puck can end up costing at least as much as half the difference between the wifi and 3g models, especially after you include a mount for the puck. At that point, it just seems (to me) to be worth it to get the 3G and have connectivity as a backup.

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