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Is it possible to buy a used 3g (at&t) with unlimited data?


iPF Noob
Hi all,

New to the forum...and have gotten loads of great advice while searching through. I Have been doing some research and decided to go ahead with an iPad 2, 64gb. Have been on the fence on whether I really needed 3g or if wifi would be fine. I do a little traveling during the year and would use 3g then, but mostly for meeting with clients where I may not have wifi access. So...I would love to have 3g, but not sure on pulling the trigger due to the higher cost and the monthly charges.

Trying to find a good deal, I have someone locally who is selling their used iPad 2, 64gb with 3g (at&t). They are selling the pad, and including the unlimited data plan they have on it as well. They say it is like new and has no blemishes. Before I decide on whether to go take a look at it, is it possible to take over someone else's unlimited data plan, and would it be worth it? If it is worth it, any idea on what a fair price may be? I have been looking around and have an idea of what new and used one's go for, but not sure with the inclusion of an unlimited data plan.

Any thoughts/assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can change the payment information on an unlimited AT&T plan for the iPad. All you'd have to do is change the credit card information and it will work fine.

Now, as to price, iPads with unlimited data are currently listed on eBay for $1000 - $1200 (USD). I've seen just the SIM card go for $400-700.

Take that for what it's worth. I know they are selling - you just have to decide if that's what you wish to pay.

Good luck.

Thanks Marilyn.

Would the at&t account still be under the name of the person I purchased it from? I was just curious if I changed the credit card info, will they have access to my credit card through their account?

No, they won't have your name. You'll change everything through the AT&T web site. The only thing that will remain the same is the iPad-specific info, such as the UDID.

Usually, you provide the seller your email, temporary password and your billing address. They then modify these settings on the iPad prior to giving it to you. Once you receive the iPad, login with information you provided and update your billing and credit card information (and change the password!). You just need to make sure you set up your credit card on the account before the next billing cycle or you will lose the unlimited data plan.

Hope that clarifies things. Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks! This information helps immensely! The seller is local and I hope to meet up with them over the weekend and take a look at the iPad. Though it is not the color I preferred, I can live with it for price.
Is there an unlimited data plan that you pay once and do not have to renew monthly, or am I misunderstanding what you are talking about? Thanks.
An unlimited data plan is where you pay monthly but the volume of data that you use each month is not limited. There are few - if any - now in the US. In other countries - particularly the UK - there are many unlimited data plans.

I have one with the UK operator '3' where I pay about $20/month for an unlimited ('All you can eat') data plan.

Is there an unlimited data plan that you pay once and do not have to renew monthly, or am I misunderstanding what you are talking about? Thanks.
What the OP is talking about here was the unlimited data plan that AT&T offered back when the first iPad came out and then discontinued in June 2010. The people that had the plan were "grandfathered" in and as long as they kepy up their payments, they were able to keep the plan. Every now and then, one of those people decides they don't want the plan (or the iPad) any longer, so they sell them. As it's quite a good deal, they can get real good money for those plans on places such as eBay.This is only in the USA, by the way.Now, of course, in the US, you only get the 200MB or 2GB plans...Hope this clarifies things.Marilyn
Thanks for all of the input. Still trying to decide which route to take. I know that there will be times that I won't have access, but trying to justify the higher cost of the iPad for 3g as well as the $30 monthly fee or whether to just go wifi. Trying to look into my crystal ball and find the answer. :)
If you are trying to decide whether or not to spend the extra to get 3g, in my opinion, I would definitely go ahead and get it. You are purchasing an awesome tool that you will undoubtedly come to depend on, and it's definitely worth the extra money to ensure you can use it whenever and wherever you want. With my at&t plan, there is no contract, and you can cancel it and then renew it anytime, so sometimes I go a month or so without the data plan, and then if I need it, turn it on for that month. You can turn it on from anywhere, so if you find yourself needing it, even if you are not on a wifi, you can turn on the 3G for that month in just a few minutes, and turn off the auto renew so you just pay for that month. I don't use it very often, but am sure I would have regretted not getting it if I hadn't. In the long run, after years of using your iPad, the extra money will seem almost insignificant. My thought is if you are going to invest in such an awesome tool, do it up and make it as usable as possible. I don't think you'd regret getting it, but can see the possibility that you'd regret not getting it. Just my opinion.
I appreciate all of the comments from everyone. Today I am officially an iPad 2 owner. My goal was to find one and see what kind of use I get out of it, mostly for work - and if it wasn't that good for work to resell it. However, I'm sure I'll find plenty of things that it can do that will benefit me that I never considered.

This was purchased off of craigslist and I was a little cautious the whole time from some the things the seller had said over email. We met at the food court in the mall, and the seller was not what I had expected. Very knowledgable with the iPad (actually works for a local electronics retailer - not just something he told me, but something I verified as well). We negotiated on price and I asked if he wanted to exchange money there. He tossed a clip on the table and said here was fine. :D Maybe he was worried about me trying to steal it.

Anyway, checked the serial numbers, sound, wifi, 3g, no dead pixels that I could see, mic worked, image rotated, included the charger and it was an iPad 2 with 64 gb of memory. He logged into his att account and I changed everything to my account for the unlimited data. I was even able to get some free apps through the process as well.

One of my good friends has a nephew who works for the same electronics store and asked if he happened to know him. Turns out they work together and are good friends. Feel better about my purchase already.

Again, thanks to everyone for their comments/thoughts.

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