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is my employer allowed to track my company issued iPad2?

targa said:
Icloud is set up, but connected to my home computer, not work computer. Also...I was just looking under settings-general-profiles and found 2 provisioning profiles that I have no idea what they are-
PW_Wildcard_Distribution expires Sep 20 2012

PW_Wildcard_Distribution2013 expires Aug8 2013

Could this be tracking software installed by my co?

A few things you do not mention:
1) who owns the iPad?
2) you say you sync it with your home computer, has it ever been synced at work?
3) who has had possession of the iPad other than yourself?

BTW, nothing comes up in Google for the profiles listed. I would just ask you IT department what the profiles are for. And if they can indeed track you, in many countries would be required by law to inform you of the ability to track you via your device.
Nice thread. Good discussions on privacy. IMHO if you are issued a company device you should treat it as such(doing work on it instead ofpersonal things)and leave private stuff for your own devices even if they say you can.
thanks dhewson777....company owns ipad...I own iphone, and it has not been synced w work computer. It is a brand new ipad, but co IT set it up for me...transferring my data from my previous ipad. I did of course google the profiles and couldnt find anything, but just wondered if those such as yourself that are more versed in this might have heard about it before.
Thanks so much for your help-
infoleather said:
My concern is that I downloaded the application. My IT department to obtain information from my application?

Two thoughts.

1) never do anything on a company iPad that could get you in hot water.
2) access to an apps data is limited due to sand boxing. It just depends what sort of measures they have in place to monitor you, if any.

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