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Is there a way?


iPF Noob
Guys, is there a way to transfer photos from my PC to my Ipad 2 without using iTunes? Currently I can't synch my iPad with iTunes but I need to transfer some pics so I'm wondering if there is a file manager that could work with iPad 2 iOS5?
Hi MaynorPhoto - welcome to the forum! :)

Well there are plenty of options: 1) email photos to yourself, pick them up on your iPad, and then save to the device; 2) use 'cloud' options such as Dropbox or iCould if you have iOS5 on your iPad; and 3) likely others that will be mentioned by future posters?

BUT, you must explain your issue about not sync to you computer w/ iTunes - this may be the more important problem to correct - not sure? Let us know!
Hi thanks :) Well, it is not really an issue but here it is the reason why I can't synch right now. Happens that I am located in Costa Rica and although I have the Netflix service in CR, happens that Netflix app is not available in our local App Store so I can't download it. Then a friend of mine who has a US account downloaded it and installed it on my iPad but obviously I can't synch otherwise will lose the Netflix app which I don't want (at least until JB is available) so there you go, that's why I can't synch yet.
Problem is that I'm a photographer so need to transfer a bunch of pics so that's why I'm looking for options. Thanks for your reply btw ;-)
Hi again - do you have iTunes on your computer sync to your iPad? Not sure what your Netflix issue is about but iTunes is the program needed if you want to transfer images from your computer to your iPad.

If you indeed have iTunes setup correctly and sync to your iPad, my suggestion would be to put a folder in your 'Pictures' (or other name) directory on Windows Explorer - sub-folders (depending on your projects and/or photo collections) can be easily added - when sync w/ your iPad check off the 'new' folder (mine is named 'Ipad Pics') - the images you place in this specific checked folder (and sub-folders) will then be sync to your iPad - hope this helps? In not, please post back for further suggestions - good luck!

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