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Is there an app for this?


iPF Noob
Hi all. Got my iPad a couple weeks ago with the intention of using it for school - especially to take notes. The note taking works great - I use upad - but I'm now having issues with other things. My college uses ANGEL as an online utility to send email to classmates and students (you can only send email within the school network using the utility and only to people in your classes) as well as for accessing assignments that we can print off and videos for class. I also have an online class using the ANGEL utility where I have to participate in "discussion boards" - which are similar to posting on a forum. The safari browser on the iPad can't post to the discussion board and I can't watch the videos because they're flash based - though there is a link to "watch this video in Windows Media Player".

I've tried all the free and lite browsers that supposedly allow the user to watch flash videos just to test the waters (I'm assuming by converting to HTML 5 or something?) and none of them work with my school's ANGEL utility. Therefore, I'm a little leery of paying for an app unless I know that it will work. I also have wyse pocketcloud to access my pc remotely, but even when I'm on the same network as my pc, the video comes in really choppy and the audio doesn't match up. To clarify, I can log into the ANGEL utility and do most things, just can't post or watch video. I've also tried the "mobile" version of the site but still can't post or watch video. To see the ANGEL utility to get an idea of what I'm talking about, visit: http://sail.iwcc.edu. You won't be able to log in, but at least you'll see the site and maybe understand what I'm talking about.

I'm just not sure which way I should go - a browser app that allows flash or an RDP to access my pc remotely. I need to be able to post on discussion boards as well as watch video - I don't really care how it's done, just as long as it works and works WELL. I don't mind paying for an app, as long as it works, and I'd prefer if it didn't have a monthly subscription - I would much rather pay a one-time fee.

Thanks for any help/advice!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
EDITED TO ADD: Found this in the tech support area for the Angel 7.4 software. http://discussions.blackboard.com/forums/t/50446.aspx Can you find this app? Maybe its enabled for your school! Support is coming soon anyway...although I know that doesn't help at the moment.

Video over remote desktop protocol is barely useable from an external network. Ditto for VNC (which won't give you audio support anyway.) They arent really designed with that purpose in mind honestly. The refresh rate just isn't fast enough.

Your best shot is using a remote browser...although I haven't found these to be much better than a full RDC desktop clone. Splashtop, who makes one of the most popular remote desktop apps makes a remote browser as well which they claim will get you hulu. There's a lite version that you can try for 5 minutes. (Edited again to add...crap, you've tried alk the remote browsers. I'm at a loss then. Sorry :( )

Realistically your computer is going to need massive CPU power and all unused services turned off to get good video. If you don't have a great CPU there's another cloud browser (whose name escapes me at the moment) that runs on their servers...but that's a monthly fee and the one time I tried it on iPhone it ate my battery.

Is there an option to download the videos? That would be your best bet I'm guessing.

Sent from my Android 3.1 Motorola Xoom Tablet!
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Thanks so much for your help! I was able to find that app, but when I found my school and tapped it, it said that my school's version of Blackboard was not yet compatible with the app. Bummer, because it seemed really cool.

I just don't know what to do...the while point behind getting the iPad was so I wouldn't have to drag my laptop around...my laptop is small and fairly light but it has a short battery life and when you have even a small laptop on one of my school's desks, there's not room for much else! Usually, I would wait until I got home and use my laptop for video and discussion posts...however, this fall I will be staying away from home one night a week and I'd much rather take my iPad and its charger instead of my laptop and its huge long chord.

Someone else suggested I get yxplayer and install videohelper add-on into my firefox. Access my pc remotely, use the addon to grab a link for the video andthen paste the link into yxplayer...however, I used the yxplayer2 lite and manually typed the video URL into the streaming section and the video showed up (kinda choppy, but not too bad) but there was no sound!

Downloading the video was the first thing I tried, but it won't let me. The closest thing I could get was I clicked on the link below the video: "watch in windows media player now" and then I saved it as a playlist...but the video itself wasn't saved on my computer so I couldn't transfer it or anything. What is funny is that the school library is concerned about students using the videos for unintended purposes...but they're not protected, no drm, and who would want to watch them if they didn't have to? They're awful! I really wish that blackboard app worked...I did the demo and it's amazing...like a mix between the ANGEL utility and istudiez.

Any other ideas?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I have to use Angel and yes, it's crappy to use on the iPad!

I can remote into my PC (with the Jump app) and look at assignments and mail and such, with no problem. However, I don't have to look at videos.

For that, maybe try the app OPlayer HD? You can get a free version to see if it'll work (just try to use it the same way you are using yxplayer2). I've used both and IMHO, OPlayer HD is better (so much so that I bought the full version).

Good luck.


P.S. If it's any consolation, the link that extendedforecast provided said that Angel will be updated to support Safari and Chrome - in the fall of this year, supposedly. If we're lucky, that'll help us get easier access to Angel via the iPad...
Tried the Oplayer and it was a no go - thanks though! It was definitely better than yxplayer!

I think I might have the problem figured out- I just have to test it, which I will be doing tomorrow.

I downloaded the full version of Splashtop Remote Desktop (it's on sale now too - buy while it's cheap!) and I configured my ip address so it's static and configured my router for port forwarding. We'll see how it works. The video/sound were really good from within my network so we'll see if that changes when I'm at school tomorrow! Cross your fingers!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Good luck!

And please, do tell us how it works. Well ... tell me. :D 'Cause if you have success with using Angel via Splashtop (which I have) - I'd surely like to know for next semester!


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