At WalMart today there were little Xeroxed sheets up "We have the new retina iPad" ask to see it. Yes, indeed, because the only iPad anybody could see was the iPad 2 WalMart has been selling. I have watched the section where that iPad 2 is enshrined in a big plastic case. I even asked them to take it out once for me to see. No one even knew how to even fire it up. And the stack under neath it always went down fast, I think they were selling a lot at of 2s 2 $399. Afte rall, a lot of WalMart people may not even ever see a iPad anywhere else. I see the secret Black Friday WalMart add will be selling those 2s for $399 with a free $75 gift card. Now, how on earth will anybody know what to call any iPad? The "Retina", that could be 3 or 4, or the old one (could that be 1 or 2) Yes, I certainly agree with the previous posts.