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Is there any video player for iPad which can play Blu-ray movies?

Do you mean stream hi def movies or a disc drive that can be connected to the iPad and play the discs? There is no player I know of that can plug into the iPad and play discs.
I'm not sure why you want to play bluray movies on an iPad. If you rip them full size they are still typically too large to even want to put them on an iPad. You can compression to 1080p at lower bit rates and they play fine even with the built in movie player. And there are plenty of players that will play mkvs and other formats that the apple app won't play. AVplayerHD is one of many.
I think a Blu-ray movie is too large to put on an ipad? Why not convert your Blu-ray to smaller MP4 that can be watched on iPad natively. Handbrake is free but only deal with unprotected discs. Or you can try free video dvd converter ultimate, should be working with BDs too.

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