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Is there one clear "best browser" for the IPAD 3?

I've tried Mercury, Dolphin and Opera. They are all better than Safari at some extent. Dolphin is my favourite now. Mercury would be the best if it would start where you stopped instead of the home page after each break... But my vote goes to Dolphin.
Moving on... What I've found out so far...
I have BrowserChooser tweak installed, which allows me to choose the iPad's default browser. For blocking social "crap", I found a browser called Ghostery (at first I thought it would be an add-on for an existing browser, like on Firefox...), and it seems quite privacy-aware. Adblocking is supported in both Icab and Atomic browsers.
Now, to the final quest... is there one browser yet that supports both (adblocking and social-blocking/tracking)?
Please, Please, Please I cannot wait until Firefox figures this out and creates an iPad version. Adblock and many other add-ons would be sweet. Tried Chrome a few weeks ago but it seems buggy with stalling. Maybe try it again today.
Please, Please, Please I cannot wait until Firefox figures this out and creates an iPad version. Adblock and many other add-ons would be sweet. Tried Chrome a few weeks ago but it seems buggy with stalling. Maybe try it again today.

Why do you wait for Firefox? Just for the brand? Firefox on the iOS would be restricted in the same way all other browsers on the iOS platform are, it would have to use the webkit engine instead of gecko, it would not be allowed to have user-installable add-ons like the desktop version (iCab Mobile had this feature for a while, but then Apple came and forced the developer to remove the ability to let the user install add-ons - Apple wants to review all features of an app, and user-installable add-ons can not be controlled by Apple, so these are not allowed). There would be not much left of Firefox on the iOS platform, just the name. This is nothing worth to wait for.

Personally I would vote for iCab Mobile, because it is the only full featured iOS browser that I know of, which supports file uploads. You can upload photos to Facebook or Flickr or many other sites just from within iCab Mobile. I haven't seen any other browser where you can do this. And it has tons of other features.
grillhaehnchen said:
Why do you wait for Firefox? Just for the brand? Firefox on the iOS would be restricted in the same way all other browsers on the iOS platform are, it would have to use the webkit engine instead of gecko, it would not be allowed to have user-installable add-ons like the desktop version (iCab Mobile had this feature for a while, but then Apple came and forced the developer to remove the ability to let the user install add-ons - Apple wants to review all features of an app, and user-installable add-ons can not be controlled by Apple, so these are not allowed). There would be not much left of Firefox on the iOS platform, just the name. This is nothing worth to wait for.

Personally I would vote for iCab Mobile, because it is the only full featured iOS browser that I know of, which supports file uploads. You can upload photos to Facebook or Flickr or many other sites just from within iCab Mobile. I haven't seen any other browser where you can do this. And it has tons of other features.

Wow, I did not know this. My iOS experience is less than 2 months old now. iPad 3 is the first product I've ever had. Thanks, will try iCab today.
grillhaehnchen said:
Why do you wait for Firefox? Just for the brand? Firefox on the iOS would be restricted in the same way all other browsers on the iOS platform are, it would have to use the webkit engine instead of gecko, it would not be allowed to have user-installable add-ons like the desktop version (iCab Mobile had this feature for a while, but then Apple came and forced the developer to remove the ability to let the user install add-ons - Apple wants to review all features of an app, and user-installable add-ons can not be controlled by Apple, so these are not allowed). There would be not much left of Firefox on the iOS platform, just the name. This is nothing worth to wait for.

Personally I would vote for iCab Mobile, because it is the only full featured iOS browser that I know of, which supports file uploads. You can upload photos to Facebook or Flickr or many other sites just from within iCab Mobile. I haven't seen any other browser where you can do this. And it has tons of other features.

OK, Help.
Before I waste $1.99 could you tell me if iCab Mobile has an acceptable format for an iPad larger screen. I hate purchasing apps that say they are iPad ready, only to find later that it's simply an oversized phone app with crummy retina display conversion. And some won't even go landscape when I rotate the screen. Thank You
OK, Help.
Before I waste $1.99 could you tell me if iCab Mobile has an acceptable format for an iPad larger screen. I hate purchasing apps that say they are iPad ready, only to find later that it's simply an oversized phone app with crummy retina display conversion. And some won't even go landscape when I rotate the screen. Thank You

If the screenshots in the AppStore are not enough, just go to the web site icab-mobile.de, where you can find some more photos and also some videos. Personally I think the app is perfect on the iPad. Its UI is definitely optimized for the iPad and is not just a blown-up iPhone UI.
grillhaehnchen said:
Why do you wait for Firefox? Just for the brand? Firefox on the iOS would be restricted in the same way all other browsers on the iOS platform are, it would have to use the webkit engine instead of gecko, it would not be allowed to have user-installable add-ons like the desktop version (iCab Mobile had this feature for a while, but then Apple came and forced the developer to remove the ability to let the user install add-ons - Apple wants to review all features of an app, and user-installable add-ons can not be controlled by Apple, so these are not allowed). There would be not much left of Firefox on the iOS platform, just the name. This is nothing worth to wait for.

Personally I would vote for iCab Mobile, because it is the only full featured iOS browser that I know of, which supports file uploads. You can upload photos to Facebook or Flickr or many other sites just from within iCab Mobile. I haven't seen any other browser where you can do this. And it has tons of other features.

I find the Mercury the best - better than Safari - Jeremy
After 3 days I am going to say that iCab is a clear leader in this browser war. I have found some pages that are not viewable with Safari, and look sweet with iCab. I really like the "full screen" option too.

Question: In Windows I am able to change the default browser. Is this possible on an iPad? I'd like to be able to have iCab open when I click links in mail, etc.
Question: In Windows I am able to change the default browser. Is this possible on an iPad? I'd like to be able to have iCab open when I click links in mail, etc.

It's possible with BrowserChooser app I mentioned earlier. You either select a default browser, or don't select it and you get asked each time a link is encountered about which browser you want to use for opening it.
I think the app is in Cydia, so you need a jailbreak. I'm not aware of any other browser-choosing options.
All of you that use google anything, like chrome, earth ect, that google is installing "data mining" as part of it.
What this means, is not only do the track your browsing habits, pages you visit, and stuff you type. They also see what
Software your running.
I know they 100% do this on windows, not sure about iOS but why would they not.
The even track what you type. I caught google earth sending google everything I was doing, and earth did not have to be running.

I'm and IT pro, noticed a lot of network traffic on my router, even when I was not doing anything, so I packet sniffed it, it was my pc diligently sending google all my file names, programs installed etc. once I removed Earth, it was gone. Got the same "spying" when I installed chrome.

So needless to say, no google anything gets on my pc's, that stopped the spying.

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