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Issues with personal email accounts on Wi-Fi

I got a report today that users are having issues senidng/receiving emails while at work connected to our enterprise Wi-Fi. It appears to only to started happening when I upgraded 2 of our iPads to OS 5. The issue is the device shows"Checking for mail" or "sending" for quite some time but never downloads or sends. This has been happening for Gmail and for another service provider. I can however send/receive email fine over Wi-Fi for our exchange accounts. Once I turn Wi-Fi off and activate 3G, the messages in the outbox for gmail send, and new email is downloaded. I'm continuing to do some more testing but was wondering if anyone has noticed this yet.

I have authenticated with our Proxy server and can browse websites fine.

Appears to be the outbound mail connection from the device. Could it be an incorrect setting or a bug?

Wi-Fi is WPA2/Enterprise
I'm working with our networking team to determine why its not working, right now it appears ports 587 and 993 are being blocked. Its interesting because these ports were always blocked on our firewall and worked until we upgrade to iOS 5. We're going to let management decide if we support their personal emails on company wifi since ActiveSync works.

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