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iSwifter Help!


iPF Noob
Hi I have been using the iSwifter browser app to watch movies that require flash and after a few minutes it will ask me to buy the full browser or whatever and when I hit cancel it takes me back to the iSwifter home page. Is there anyway around this without buying it? If not, will buying it prevent this permanently?

The idea of the free version is to enable you to check that it will play the Flash content that you are interested in. They don't support all Flash content, as they make clear in the App Store. So, you can use the free version for a limited time to check it out and make sure it works on the sites you're interested in. Once you know it works OK, then you purchase the full version and this restriction that you notice is removed.

Pretty annoying huh? Yeh, I don't use it because of that. I suspect once you buy it, they'll stop asking you to. It's only 3 bucks, but I don't watch enough stuff to worry about it right now. It appears to offer alot of content, may be "jerky" depending on your wifi service, ( won't work on 3G I think).

Oh, hi Tim!
Good to hear from you too, Jeeper. There have been varying reports about iSwifter so I think the original poster really needs to make sure that it will work on the sites of interest before parting with their hard earned dollars. Flash is, was and always will be a difficult area for the iPad - no real way around that problem.

If you don't buy it will send you back to the home screen but then it will let you use it after that without bothering you. But once you exit the app, you will have to repeat this process. If you buy the full version, it will not do this.

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