Seadog said:I really like my new iPad, but my original iPad will always be #1 in my feelings. Not because of any real or perceived faults with the new model, but because this one is probably one of a series of future iPads. My original iPad was a purchase I made on faith and my instincts that it would be fantastic. As such, it holds a precious place in my computer history. When I bought my first one, there were no real accessories, no real apps, and no knowledge of what it was for. As today, the complaints of what might be an issue, and what was normal, were all over the media. As things moved on, Apple found the solutions, while a star was born. Not one of the issues that is being discussed and analized by the media, are real problems. A batch that are out of screen adjustment? Replaced. Light bleeding? Overblown. Replaced willing if owners complained.
We are talking toys and tools here. iPads are not vital to our lives, but they are important to our home and work activities. We are becoming part of an interesting future as tablets become more and more of our lives. During this adventure, more and more uses for the iPads will be discovered. We need to concentrate on these aspects of the iPad, and not be distracted by a bunch of media reports by people that still haven't figured how to dial out on their iPhones.
I feel the same way about my first gen. At first it was more toy than tool and then the tornado. We were travelling at the time and it helped us find an alternate route home. It helped me find a store three towns over that had tarps for the roof. It helped me and my neighbors find supplies, generators, tools, etc. It helped me check the BBB on contractors who just started showing up. We kept up with news, weather, electricity updates, and police reports. It helped me deal with any critical client issues. And yes after the generator was up and running it helped as an entertainment source at night. I am forever grateful to a purchase I made on a whim anud thankful I got the 3g that I really didn't think I needed.
Today it goes to a family member but only because we don't need three iPads and because it can do her a lot of good.
I am probably a sentimental old fart but Apple was a friend when we needed as many as we could get.