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Itunes 10.5 downloading now

Mine is updating to 10.5 now. I'm in a bit of a panic because when I bought the iPad and connected it to the pc, it locked up. Three hours on the phone to Apple and it still wouldn't work, so I had to take it to a friend's pc, where it worked first time. Now I have a different pc, but it is not exactly new! So I am worried. But the iTunes download seems to be going well.
Lavenderlady*w*iPad said:
I was able to update to iTunes 10.5 on my Dell laptop (XP) and my brand new MacBook Pro :)) but on my desktop, Dell XPS running Vista, it keep failing. (I tried about 5 times.) And unfortunately that is the computer that my iPad1 is synced to at this time!! (It is dying, that is why I just bought the MacBook Pro.) It said if the update failed to download the update only from Tools and manually install. I did that, but when I got to the install part, it looks like a new install of iTunes. I was afraid I would lose everything in my current iTunes if I did that so I canceled. I don't know what to do now.

I wanted to have the MacBook Pro be the computer the iPad syncs to, but got a little nervous when I tried to transfer it and it said it would wipe my iPad. Does that just mean the photos or all the apps and content of the apps too?? I am not technical at all and really am afraid of messing something up. Can I update my iPad on the mac even though it is not the one I normally sync to? I am totally confused about what to do at this point. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi, I had this exact same problem last night with my old Dell laptop running vista! I called iTunes support (got right through, amazing customer service!) and had to UNINSTALL my virus protection (norton) that was the problem! What virus protection are you running? Just turning it off didn't work for me...I had to uninstall, run the install for iTunes 10.5 and then reinstall when it was done. If you cannot figure it out, call support and they can walk you thru it.
I m new to this. I updated iTunes on PC then later synced iPad. Will this also update it on iPad
Thanks alex
Itunes and IOS the operating system used for Idevices are not the same so no. You will need to connect your device and update via itunes once the new version of IOS is released later today. Each one is updated individually.
When I called apple support yesterday (had to fix my iTunes) the guy did warn me that the OS 5 update coming today would be a LONG download. Like an hour or so he said...so plan on that. Annette
Have tried to install 10.5 numerous time and keep getting " "iTunes" has an invalid signature. It will not be installed." tried Tools/Download only, no luck. Arrrrgh!! Have to go to work now so will try iTunes support later. But if I end up having to go thru the trouble of uninstalling/installing my virus protection I am not gonna be happy. That's a joke! I've done previous iTunes updates without problem. Why should this one be so user unfriendly?
idave23 said:
Have tried to install 10.5 numerous time and keep getting " "iTunes" has an invalid signature. It will not be installed." tried Tools/Download only, no luck. Arrrrgh!! Have to go to work now so will try iTunes support later. But if I end up having to go thru the trouble of uninstalling/installing my virus protection I am not gonna be happy. That's a joke! I've done previous iTunes updates without problem. Why should this one be so user unfriendly?

Normally is very user friendly. Be aware of all that is happening on the apple servers at the moment :-)

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