I've been told here (and it makes good sense and what I'm going to do) that the best thing for transferring my current Ipad info to new Ipad is to do Itunes backup and restore from that. So--a friend in another country took his Ipad 2 in for some help from genius bar and in the end (he admits it was not smart on his part) was told that it needed to be restored to original, thus losing everything (found that this wasn't so and is very unhappy). He believed he could restore from Itunes, but its showing last backup in Sept. He also pays $100/year for Icloud full backup. As I understand it, if you do Icloud backup you can't do an Itunes backup. He says he's been doing syncs since then and assumed that would be his restore option but now nothing current there. I remember seeing somewhere that if you choose Icloud it won't backup to Itunes--thought it was in the setting area on Ipad for Icloud but found nothing there today. It appears he will have to restore from his last Icloud backup but now we are both a bit confused. I found a good straightforward little online tute how to do this Icloud restore, but also found others not happy with it saying it took in some casea 16 hours, etc. and some didn't go smoothly. He, of course, has no choice but I do going forward.
So--question is--anyone who has more info on this, maybe has restored from Iclouds? I do not have restore from Iclouds as I have so much in my apps and don't really want to pay $100 when I can do a backup (Ipad 1) to Itunes. This is making me rethink it though. Right now I have crucial content backed up in Dropbox when possible, have Goodreaders backed up to Icloud, but not full backup (mine is also backed up each evening when I plug it in).
So--question is--anyone who has more info on this, maybe has restored from Iclouds? I do not have restore from Iclouds as I have so much in my apps and don't really want to pay $100 when I can do a backup (Ipad 1) to Itunes. This is making me rethink it though. Right now I have crucial content backed up in Dropbox when possible, have Goodreaders backed up to Icloud, but not full backup (mine is also backed up each evening when I plug it in).