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iTunes cannot read iPad after Spirit JB ???


iPF Noob
I've had this problem on my iPhone and my iPad now with Spirit JB. Itunes 9.1.1 refuses to recognize the device and says it cannot read the contents so forces me to restore the device.

I've tried JBing on Mac OSX and Win 7 with Spirit with the same results, both machines have iTunes 9.1.1. My iphone 3.1.3 and iPad 3.2 are both working just fine and I can read them in other apps like i-funbox and MediaMonkey.

Any ideas how to fix this for iTunes???
Odd, I didn't have this problem. Subscribing in case someone knows how to fix it though so I can pass along the info in the future.
Well I did this...

1 - Full restore in iTunes 9.1.1
2 - Disabled auto-sync, auto launch
3 - Quit iTunes
4 - JB with Spirit, not clicking quit until I see Cydia on the iPad
5 - Start iTunes and it can see it so far, so looking good.
You need to make sure you have a backup of your itunes files (music/movies..), make sure itunes is closed and fully remove itunes then reinstall.

in Windows make sure you open task manager and close any running process's with apple or itunes in the name before removing itunes.

Sounds odd, but this is what others have done to fix this.

looks like you got it working. good news :)
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Google i-funbox and download it since I can't post a link yet. Run it and use the search to look for itunesdb file. Rename it to itunesdb.bckup. Try itunes again and see what happen.
I fixed it in the end by doing a full reinstall of iTunes and then a restore followed by a fresh jailbreak and the iPad is now working as it should be, did nt try with the phone yet as I am happy using that with media monkey for now
I am a newbie so bear with me.

Are you saying I have to uninstall itunes from my PC and then reinstall it after JB? I can't tell from griffindodd's success post if that's what he ultimately needed to do.


You need to make sure you have a backup of your itunes files (music/movies..), make sure itunes is closed and fully remove itunes then reinstall.

in Windows make sure you open task manager and close any running process's with apple or itunes in the name before removing itunes.

Sounds odd, but this is what others have done to fix this.

looks like you got it working. good news :)

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