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itunes doesn't recognize ipad 2


iPF Noob
Itunes and my PC doesn't recognize my ipad 2 :(( I've read similar questions like mine, but still didn't help me. Somebody who has a kind heart help me please? :( It's been 10 hours and I haven't find any solution to the problem.
  • I already reset my ipad. MANY TIMES
  • reboot my computer MANY TIMES
  • re install the LATEST ITUNES 3 TIMES
  • watched videos on youtube MANY TIMES
Not even one solution helped me. So please help me? :'(

Please, transfer this thread if misplaced, i am new here.
If its not the cable...

Do you remember the last time you were able to connect the iPad with iTunes? What did you do, either with the iPad or with iTunes since that time. We need to know what you may have done since your last connection that we different and so caused iTunes to not see the iPad.

And, is your iPad jail broken? What version of iOS is it running?

Any other info you can give us will probably help to try to figure this out. Thanks.

My iPad isn't jailboken. iTunes still recognize my ipad before I installed the latest version of itunes.


I want to update my iPad to IOS 5. First I back up, then after backing up I click on update.... Then it says I need the latest version of iTunes. Then I downloaded the latest version of iTunes. After I downloaded it, iTunes doesn't recognize my iPad anymore. I already tried re installing all the apple softwares. Still no avail. Help me? :(
After you reinstalled iTunes, did you reboot your computer? And, have you rebooted your iPad?

Does you computer see your iPad at all (does it show up as a drive) - or is it not seen at at all by your computer, not just iTunes.

Also, have a look at this link from Apple support, particularly the part about the mobile device driver: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1538.

Hopefully, something here or in that link will work. Keep us posted on your progress...

Heck, thats the good news! It means that your cable is fine and that your PC recognizes your iPad (you'd have worse trouble if the PC didn't recognize it while plugged in).

When you first plug in the iPad, do you get a Windows Explorer window pop-up? If yes, just "x" it out to dismiss it and then see it iTunes can see it. If you close the window any other way, that may be an issue...

If that didn't work, try a couple of things:

(1) Plug the iPad into a different USB port, preferably one that is directly on the computer (not a USB hub or dock). Wait, perhaps for a long time, until you hear the connection noise. Connecting it to t different USB port forces the PC to check and perhaps load the device driver. Again, this may the a while, just don't unplug it, give it a chance to work

(2) See if you can reset or restart the Mobile Device Driver. To do:

(a) Open "run" from the start menu, and run "services.msc"

(b) Find "Apple Mobile Device" service

(c) In the "status" column it will tell you if it is started or not, and the "startup type" column will tell you if it will start automatically when windows starts. Set the status to "started" and the startup type to "automatic". To do this

(1c) Right click on this process, and then click on "Properties".

(2c) In the "general" tab find the "startup type" drop-down arrow menu and make sure "automatic" is selected. Select it if it is not.

(3c) Also in the general tab check the "service status". If it does not say "started" then click the start button

(d) Then, at the bottom of the properties window click "apply"

See if any of that helps.

NO :( I'm sorry. Maybe it has problem with the drivers? I've encountered a pop up box it says that it has problem with the drivers but I accidentally press X. :'(
Try re-installing the Apple USB drivers.

  1. Connect the device to the computer.
  2. Quit iTunes if it launches.
  3. Click the Start menu, right-click on Computer, and choose Properties.
  4. In the upper-left corner, click Device Manager. The Device Manager window should open.
  5. Click the plus (+) icon (or disclosure triangle (
    ) for Windows 7) next to Universal Serial Bus controllers to expand this selection.
  6. Locate the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver in this list. If this entry is displayed without any downward arrow, "!" or "?" symbols over it, then this driver is successfully installed. Proceed to the next section titled "Check for third-party mobile phone software".
  • If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed, proceed to the section below titled "If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is not listed".
  • A downward arrow appearing next to the device's entry in Device Manager indicates that this device is disabled. To enable this device, right-click its entry in Device Manager and choose Enable from the shortcut menu.

  • If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver entry is listed, but has an exclamation mark or question mark over it, continue to the next steps to reinstall the Apple Mobile Device driver.
[h=4]Reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Driver[/h]
  1. Right-click the Apple Mobile Device entry in Device Manager and choose Uninstall from the shortcut menu.
  2. When prompted, select the box "Delete the driver software for this device" and click OK.
  3. In the resulting dialog box, click OK.
  4. In the Device Manager window, right-click Universal Serial Bus controllers and choose Scan for hardware changes from the shortcut menu.
Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Windows automatically reinstalls the necessary drivers and attempts to remount the device.
  • If the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver entry still has an exclamation mark or question mark over it, continue to the next steps to manually update the Apple Mobile Device driver.
[h=4]Update the Apple Mobile Device Driver[/h]
  1. Right-click the Apple Mobile Device entry in Device Manager and choose Update Driver Software.
  2. Select "Browse my computer for driver software."
  3. Select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer."
  4. Click the Have Disk button. Note: If the Have Disk option is not present, choose a device category such as Mobile Phone or Storage Device if listed, and then click next. The Have Disk button should then appear.
  5. Click the Browse button and navigate toC:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
    Note: If using a 64-bit version of Windows Vista or Windows 7, navigate toC:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
  6. Double-click the "usbaapl"file. (This file will be called"usbaapl64"if you have a 64-bit version of Windows. If you don't see" usbaapl64" here, or if there is no Drivers folder, look in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers instead).
  7. Click Open in the Have Disk window. Then, click Next and then Click Finish. Windows will install the driver.
Note: During installation, if a message appears stating that the software you are installing "has not passed Windows Logo testing," click Continue Anyway to continue installing the drivers.

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