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itunes doesn't recognize ipad 2

I know this is a pain. Try one more thing. You Sid you did, but uninstall iTunes (again!) using the directions from Apple (they're in that link I first posted). Double check to make sure that all traces of iTunes is gone. Once that is done, reboot your computer.

then, go back to the Apple web site and download iTunes again. Maybe you just had a bad download... Oh, and this time, try a different browser than what you used before to download. Try to make the download as new as possible to your computer.

One thing I forgot to ask. Do you have access to a different iTunes on a different computer? If so, try plugging the iPad in and see if it gets recognized. don't click any of the pop-up window buttons as you don't want to sync with that iTunes, you're just doing a test.

I'm sorry, but I am out of ideas. Maybe a phone call to Apple support is in order?

I've been following this thread since it started and think how wonderful the info has been given from both Mickey330 and Followthesapper. Very nicely done all of the detailed postings-this will also help other members, including myself.

@kim...I feel for you, I hope this can all work out for you. Good luck!
I will try it later :) I'm still tired.
I love you all guys, you're the best ever! Wishing you all the best! :D
It still doesn't work. I may have to conclude that my computer has a problem if I can sync in another computer and I may have to try that one of these days. Again, thank you for your help! :) You made miserable lives EASY and GREAT! :) I love it here thank you :D
I am sorry you have this issue - and that I couldn't help. Maybe you do need to go to another computer. Not the best solution, but I've run out of things to try...

Sorry, again.

Please tell us what OS you have on your pc? There can be a number of problems solved if we know. This can be a common problem if you are running Vista, especially if it was upgraded from XP.
A couple of things you could try.

1. Check that Windows is up to date, you should be on Service Pack 1. (You can check by choosing Start>Right Click Computer>Properties)

2. Download Apple USB Drivers, start your PC in Safe Mode (Google will provide the information you need), then install the drivers and reboot.

Hope this helps. Failing that, there is some advice here

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