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Itunes error 3194


iPF Noob
Hello i'm new here anyway. I got a replacement Ipad from apple store, When i got home i tried to update to IOS 5.0 from 4.3.5 until the error message came up (3194). I Google it and tried 2 method:

1. Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts,
Edit it and add # gs.apple.com
Then go DFU mode and recovery pointing to my firmware

2. get "tiny umbrella", Uncheck "set host to cydia" but grayed out
Start TSS server, enter recovery mode, go to itunes and recovery pointing to my firmware.

Note: I also tried to pointing it to my current ipad firmware 4.3.5

More information of my ipad 1:
16GB (Obviously not helpful maybe)
Jailbroken (tethered)
IOS 4.3.5

I got the latest version of Itunes, tiny umbrella & windows is fully updated.
Let's go over to the Hack Section where the experts are...you'll get better attention there.
I'm not sure what you know or don't know about SHSH Blobs, but they are what is required to install any version of IOS on your device. Apple only provide blobs for the current version of IOS at any point in time. Since you have a replacement iPad from Apple, the ONLY version of IOS which you will be able to install on your device is 5.1.1 because you won't have saved blobs for the new device. There is no way to get old blobs for it, and no way to use ones from another device.

So, you need to REMOVE any lines in your hosts file which mention gs.apple.com. This will ensure you are asking Apple directly for your blobs. Then you must restore 5.1.1. No other version. That will avoid the 3194 error message.

See our comprehensive guide here if you get into trouble - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

Hope that helps.
I knew so little about SHSH Blobs, all I knew is it like a save file or the version of the IOS and i'll move to there if the solution on top doesn't work.
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