iPad Fan
Okay, I got rid of all open apps and I only got to 50 songs. Here's the screen shot!
from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
So much for that theory.
Okay, I got rid of all open apps and I only got to 50 songs. Here's the screen shot!
from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
twerppoet said:Huh, just notice in your photo that you still have the Show More button. Mine disappeared when I couldn't get the final songs to list, as did yours, apparently, in the first photo.
I have to be honest, I do get confused between RAM and gb memory!
from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
twerppoet said:Well, I don't really know everything a reset does, but it probably clears out all kinds of things that get temporarily cached in RAM, and probably several files that may be cached in the flash memory as well. So it's kind of hard to predict what it will or won't fix. That's why we tend to recommend it so often for weird problems.
RAM is volatile memory that the computer uses to actually do things. Volatile means that when power goes, so does anything stored in RAM. It's faster than the flash memory, and a lot faster than the hard drives that computers use in lieu of flash.
RAM is usually a lot smaller than the long term storage of Flash memory. On computers it runs anywhere from 1 - 4 GB, or more for the seriously professional machines. Your iPad 1 has 256 MB. The iPad 2 has 512 MB.
Flash is the long term storage. I does nothing but hold information. In order to do anything with that information it must first be transferred to RAM. It's pretty much the same thing as hard drive space on a computer, only faster, and more expensive. The amount you have is what 16, 32, and 64 GB means when you buy your iPad model.
1GB is 1000MB, btw. Roughly, anyway. It would be more accurate to say 1GB is equal to 1024MB, but sales people have been playing so fast and loose with this that only us old computer geeks remember that memory is properly measured in binary, or at least octal or hexadecimal.
Just to throw in a few more terms to keep the issue confused.
I have to be honest, I do get confused between RAM and gb memory!
from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Ditto, can someone explain it in simple english like what is the difference between the two and how does it affect the ipad?
Ditto, can someone explain it in simple english like what is the difference between the two and how does it affect the ipad?