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iTunes refuse to sync music with the iPad 2! NEED HELP!!


iPF Noob
Hello everybody.

I'm not a new apple user. I've been using an iphone 4 for about more than a year, and therefore I'm very used with the itunes and apple stuffs. All this to make it clear that this probably is not a simple problem, because I have already tryied EVERYTHING. But let's go to the issue:

I'll try to be short. I've just acquiered my iPad 2, downloaded and intalled de newest iOS 5.0.1 on it, an began syncing it and filling it with my apps, musics, documents etc. But, I don't know why, I'm not able to transfer my musics to the iPad!!!!! I have already tryied to make automattically and manually, but in both ways the same errors occur! Automatically, regardless of how many artists/albums/songs I try to sync, the iTunes always transfer ONLY 3 specific albums! Manually, when I drag the albums over the iPad 2 tittle on the left, all albums are marked with a circle crossed with a bar (symbol indicating that it's not able to transfer), all albums with the only exception the 3 ones that are synced with the automatic setting, wich I can drag and transfer normally.

PS.: All songs are syncing automattically with my iPhone 4, without any kind of this problems, working well when sync automatically ou manually.

I've been searching for people with similar problems as mine for a long time and over the internet, but didn't succeed. CAN PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME???????
This is a long shot, but do you have the Sync only checked songs and video checked on the iPad's Summary page in iTunes, and perchance only the songs in those albums are checked in the music library?

That's the only (sneaky, easily missed) thing I can think of. At least at the moment.
Thank you, Tim, I didn't know exactly where were the right place to post it. Twerppoet, yes, it was as required to work, but thank you for the shot!

Well, after spending almost 2 hours and restoring my iPad 3 times with the apple help support on the phone, the problem was solved (thanks god!!!!!)

Probably, there are and there will be a lot of people with this problem, because it is not hard to happen (in my opinion), so I'd like to let here my contribution.

Basically, my friends, the problem was that the music I was trying to sync with the iPad weren't copyed in the iTunes folder, which is a requirement for the iPad, but it's not fot the iPhone to sync. So, first of all, go in "My Computer" (PC mode), go to the "local disk C", "Users", open your user folder, "Music", "iTunes", "iTunes Media" and finally look for the folder "Music". If this folder is empty or if there isn't this folder in this spot, let's go to the next step. Open the iTunes, open "preferences", which I THINK is in the "edit" bar. In preferences, go in advenced and tick the options that indicate that you want to organize things in the iTunes AND the option which says that you wanna copy the musics in the library to the itunes folder (something like this, forgive me, because I am not with the iTunes in front of me right now). Well, now you erase all the musics from you library and put them again, because now iTunes is going to copy to the folder and you will be able to transfer musics to your iPad (at least I was).

Well, I hope it'll help someone. And, please, forgive my eventuals english errors, I'm from Brazil.

Thanks for the follow up, I'm sure that it will be useful to others with the same problem.

Your English is fine, probably better than mine.......and I'm English!

The Archangel
Wow! I didn't know that. That is just arbitrarily weird; which is a fair description of iTunes, come to think of it. I've always let iTunes copy my music to it's folders, what little I import.

Thank you for letting us know what happened and how to fix it.

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