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Itunes u opens instead of itunes


iPF Noob
I am a new iPad user.
When I try to open iTunes, iTunes u opens . Is that normal or is Something wrong ?

Thanks in advance
Hi there...I am going to move this the the Help Section. It is currently in the POLLs Section, where you may not get as much attention.

Look at the tabs across the bottom. Tap on the one you want. It probably just opened to iTunes U because that is where it was last time it was opened.
Side Note:

If you want to download a couple videos or course material from iTunes U, the iTunes app works fine. However; if you want to subscribe to one of the iTunes U courses or collections, download and use the iTunes U app. It does a better job of keeping the collections organized, and you must use it for the courses.

Apple should probably complete the separation by removing the iTunes U store from the iTunes app; or at least add a pop up warning when you attempt to subscribe letting you you know you need the iTunes U app.

It's a bit confusing right now.

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