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ITV iOS Player Gets Live Streaming With Update


iPadForums News Team

Readers in the UK will be interested to hear from The Digital Life that the ITV Player has just had an update to version 2.0, which among other things brings in live streaming of channels ITV 1 and ITV 2 over Wi-Fi and 3G, which is something that the rival BBC iPlayer has had for ages, so about time ITV! There will also be occasional live streaming of special events on ITV’s other channels. The app now supports AirPlay mirroring, as well as Retina graphics for the new iPad. Unfortunately you will not yet be able to watch the catch-up service over 3G, although ITV says that it is working to remedy this. Other tweaks contained in the update include the ability to switch within the Player without having to close it to browse other ITV content. ITV says that it has also used the update to improve location services and postcode journey, using GPS check or postcode to determine whereabouts you’re located so that the app gives you the right streaming channel for your area. Nice one ITV!

Source: ITV Player for iOS updated to 2.0 adds live TV streaming | The Digital Lifestyle.com

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