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Jailbreak no longer working on iPad 2

Just want to explore this a little deeper. I am an xCon user. I too have updated with the most recent version over the weekend on both jailbroken iPad (1 & 2) and both phones (iPhone 4 & 4S). As a test I also installed it on my wife's iPad and iPhone.

At no time did the update remove Corona from any of my devices. It is not listed as a dependency on the package. I don't understand what went wrong in your situations. Can you all confirm the version number and the repo you have xCon installed from please? One of the repos may have a bad package.

In Cydia, you can easily add the Corona untether package back to your device. If Cydia is not working, you can use redsn0w to perform a tethered boot by going to Extras > Just boot in redsn0w. Then Cydia will work until you get Corona installed.

I also want to know when you install Corona, whether or not it says it will remove xCon. If it does not, then xCon was not the problem.

Look forward to your answers.
Hi there, when my ipad was prompted to update xcon and I clicked upgrade, I got the usual screen where cydia says what package will be installed. It also said it would remove corona, and other package starting with a B (but I can not remember the name). That is the moment whenI clicked too quickly as I should have stopped there.

I can not remember from what repo I installed xcon, and I can not check now for obvious reasons. It was deffo one of the usual ones.

After the upgrade, I got the usual click to reboot and that was the end.

Also, hours before I had modified the file to allow the latest upgrade of imovie being on 5.0.1. I wonder if that has anything to do.
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And so there's your problem. You made your iPad think it is on 5.1 and Corona is coded to be dependant on 5.0.1 ONLY. Nothing to do with xCon. You should always learn about the consequences of hacking plists before you do it and never blindly click confirm!
Think xcon also caused an issue I had this morning. My iPad was running slow Suomi rebooted and that was it, it stayed stuck on the boot logo and wouldn't do,anything else so had to restore and lost the jailbreak- soon enough they will have the new jailbreak oh well....
f4780y said:
And so there's your problem. You made your iPad think it is on 5.1 and Corona is coded to be dependant on 5.0.1 ONLY. Nothing to do with xCon. You should always learn about the consequences of hacking plists before you do it and never blindly click confirm!

So by hacking the plist cydia would have prompted me to remove corona regardless? Thanks for that, it is all learning.
Gzoladz said:
So by hacking the plist cydia would have prompted me to remove corona regardless? Thanks for that, it is all learning.

Yes. If any of you have done the hack to install any of the new 5.1 ILife or iWork apps then the next operation in Cydia would cause Corona to be removed. There is nothing wrong with xCon AFAIK.
f4780y said:
Yes. If any of you have done the hack to install any of the new 5.1 ILife or iWork apps then the next operation in Cydia would cause Corona to be removed. There is nothing wrong with xCon AFAIK.

Is it possible to hack the plists to install the iWork apps, and then revert them?

Sent from K48
Unfortunately I tried to do a tethered boot from redsn0w in order to fix this, but it won't let me as it just gives me an error that it does not support an iPad 2. Any way to bypass that? I think you are correct about the plist hack screwing things up for me. Certainly not trying to lay blame on any particular hack, just want to fix it so I can get back to enjoying my jailbroken iPad 2.
battery111 said:
Unfortunately I tried to do a tethered boot from redsn0w in order to fix this, but it won't let me as it just gives me an error that it does not support an iPad 2. Any way to bypass that? I think you are correct about the plist hack screwing things up for me. Certainly not trying to lay blame on any particular hack, just want to fix it so I can get back to enjoying my jailbroken iPad 2.

No. You can't tethered boot an ipad2. Sorry.
Well crap, make me three. I edited the .plist a few days ago so I could get iPhoto and also update Pages. Last night I updated a font in Cydia and went to bed. I kept hearing a cyclical beep and sure enough, my iPad was stuck in a viscious cycle of respringing. Well needless to say, I am once again one of the unhappy unjailbroken. :eek:
Could you post a clear warning in one ofe your stickies, Leigh, so hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone else.

Cheers, Dan
dstuttgen said:
Well crap, make me three. I edited the .plist a few days ago so I could get iPhoto and also update Pages. Last night I updated a font in Cydia and went to bed. I kept hearing a cyclical beep and sure enough, my iPad was stuck in a viscious cycle of respringing. Well needless to say, I am once again one of the unhappy unjailbroken. :eek:
Could you post a clear warning in one ofe your stickies, Leigh, so hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone else.

Cheers, Dan

Can I suggest you also back to the "Help with iPhoto" thread and post your own warning there, as both of you that tried it have now lost your jailbreak? That's where the warning belongs, so that's where I've posted.
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Just an update. I finally gave up and restored to 5.1. Sucks not having my jailbreak but sucked worse not having a very usable iPad. Looks like things are looking promising for a 5.1 jailbreak, so hopefully I won't need to wait long.
How did you manage to downgrade to 4.3.3?Every other thread I've read on the subject says it's impossible.

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