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Jailbreaking and ibooks


iPF Noob
Hi, I've had my iPad for a few months now and I really love it, I use it all the time. After considering it and seeing what could be done with a jail broken iPad, I've decided that I'm going to jailbreak it and I was just wondering what will happen to the book that ive purchased in the iBooks store? How would I go about backing it up? It cost me £7 and I don't want to have to buy it again. Also any general tips and advice on what to expect and what I should be doing with regards to Jailbreaking my iPad would be appreciated, thanks.
Anything you purchase in the iBooks Store can be downloaded again for free, as long as you use the same Apple iTunes account. Just go to the Purchased tab in the iBooks Store. This is true of most iStore content.
And just to add, jailbreaking makes no difference to how tour iPad operates normally in respect to apps or iBooks. You continue to purchase books and apps as you always did.

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