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Jailbreaking os4 - Pros vs. Cons

If you then sync, does it reload all that info (assuming a sync before lockup) or does it delete all the apps and data from iTunes?
If you then sync, does it reload all that info (assuming a sync before lockup) or does it delete all the apps and data from iTunes?

Nothing will happen to iTunes if you restore, so you can easily resync all your media and apps (excluding jb apps). You can even restore your settings by applying a backup once the restore is complete (assuming you allowed a backup to be taken)
Thanks. I've never used iTunes enough to know what happens during a sync. My luck, it'd sync the empty iDevice and wipe the iTunes backup.
The biggest con at the moment is that there is no untethered jailbreak out yet for iOS 4.2.1. If you have iOS4.1 or 3.x.x, jailbreaking is easy and fun.

There are so many pros you could write a book about. The biggest thing for me is, their are so many things that Apple kind of got half right, and jailbreaking makes those things whole, like they should have been from the start. Take Photos/Camera Roll, you can't put your photos into folders on the iPad, it has to be done on your PC/Mac, along comes an app in the Cydia store, the store for jailbrake apps, and fixes it with an app. Want to change the look of you home page, hundreds of apps and themes for that. And the list goes on, and on,.........

What is the name of the photo app you speak of?
The biggest con at the moment is that there is no untethered jailbreak out yet for iOS 4.2.1. If you have iOS4.1 or 3.x.x, jailbreaking is easy and fun.


If I read the chart correctly, the only untethered JB for 4.2.1 is for the MAC. Is that still true?

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If I read the chart correctly, the only untethered JB for 4.2.1 is for the MAC. Is that still true?

Yes, they have not released the Windows version yet due to performance issues. Technically, the untethered jailbreak is not on general release at all as it is still in beta and can only legally be used by people with legitimate access to 4.2beta3.

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