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Jailbreaking really worth it?


iPF Noob
Have had my iPad2 JB for some time and I think there are some definite tweaks that Apple should just allow..

Themes: no brainer as to the why
Retina up : again....no brainer as to why
Gesture control
AirPlay freedom for third party and video

Some so so's

MyWi: cool concept......have yet to have a single device detect my iPad2 and be able to use it
SBS is cool....but ehhh at best, I can click the icon for the rare times I adjust those settings

JB does make the iPad screwy from time to time, and I think the pending ios5 will have some of the controls I was discussing but....

I find my self holding onto my JB mostly just for the retina up.

So is it really worth it? Because despite what every one says.......JB does make the iPad2 squirrely from time to time
Have had my iPad2 JB for some time and I think there are some definite tweaks that Apple should just allow..

Themes: no brainer as to the why
Retina up : again....no brainer as to why
Gesture control
AirPlay freedom for third party and video

Some so so's

MyWi: cool concept......have yet to have a single device detect my iPad2 and be able to use it
SBS is cool....but ehhh at best, I can click the icon for the rare times I adjust those settings

JB does make the iPad screwy from time to time, and I think the pending ios5 will have some of the controls I was discussing but....

I find my self holding onto my JB mostly just for the retina up.

So is it really worth it? Because despite what every one says.......JB does make the iPad2 squirrely from time to time

if you knew more, this thread would not be made.

check this out...

i don't even have retina, and i am more than satisfied.
What do you consider "squirrely?" Does the iPad sometimes respring/reboot into safe mode? Yes, but it's mostly because I'm adding a tweak that conflicts with another app. With that said, what do you expect? Jailbreaking is just a different term for hacking. You're hacking a device, there will be moments of "bugginess."

Would I ever consider a jailbroken device unstable/unreliable? Absolutely not.

Would I ever consider having an iDevice without being jailbroken? No chance in hell.
andrewhtf said:
Not a problem. Plenty of free ebook reader apps around.

Unless you want to read books from the Apple Book store, which cannot be read outside of iBooks.

I believe he (she?) meant RetinaPad, which is an awesome tweak that removes most of the pixelation that occurs when you 2x an iPhone app.

It's $2.99 (USD) from Cydia.

Same here. iBooks works fine on my JB iPad1 and iPad2 with purchased content, even books purchased after JB.
However, there are plenty of folks on here who claim it does not work... :(
Bob Maxey said:
So give us an example. What do you mean by "squirrely?"
.....have to reset from time to time and I don't recall having to do that prior to JB
.....keyboard does not become available in some places where I need it. I have 5 row installed, and as an example when I am pairing in Bluetooth to stereo the key board used to pop up and I would type in the pair code right? Well now the prompt come up on the iPad2 to input the pair code but no keyboard. So I have to open notes, type the code then copy it and o back to the pair code field and paste it.....irritating

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