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Jailbroken iPad 2 --safe mode stuck


iPF Noob
I have a jailbroken iPad 2 jailbroken with "absinthe". All was working fine. But ever since the IO 5.0.1 update, I have been having the battery drain issue and I looked that up and use the solution said to fix that. The solution was to
Reset all the settings after all updates. So I did that and now I'm stuck in safe mode.
So I went back to Cydia and removed a program called Springtomizer. Now I am not in safe mode anymore. With
that in mind......does this mean that I will have to re-jailbreak my iPad from scratch? Thnx.
The correct package for 5.0.1 is "Springtomize 2 IOS 5+"
No other version of Sprigntomize should be used on your device. It will likely cause SafeMode looping like you experienced.

Removing a package like that from Cydia does not remove your jailbreak. If Cydia still opens you are still jailbroken. If it will not open you must restore your device using iTunes and re-jailbreak.

Also be careful about taking action related to battery drain. I'm pretty sure you would not have got any recent advice on this forum which said you should use "Reset all Settings & Content" after applying updates to resolve a battery drain issue. There is lots of misinformation about battery drain and fixes for it on the internet. You should always explore the exact problems you are having on the forum rather than rely what others have done. There is no recognised widespread battery drain problem with the iPad which has a common repeatable solution (other than a restore which tends to fix most things!)
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Ok....that is the version of "Springtomize" that I have on my iPad. Springtomize 2 IOS 5+. Now I just chose that program to
delete just on a humble. Nothing told me or directed me to deleting that one. After that I tried reinstalling another program thru
Cydia and after respring....it went back into safe mode. Cydia and everything from the jailbreak is still there but functions are not activated and looks like all need to be reinstalled. But when I do that it goes into safe mode or worse. This time it was harder to
recover my iPad. It took 4 hours to get it to open back up. It was stuck on the black loading screen for that long. When it opened did a restore from backup and now everything is set fine the way it was before I did the settings reset.
Now there are quite a few people I hear from who are having their battery run down faster than usual ever since
upgrading to 5.0.1 . It is even all over the Apple forum. I used to charge my iPad every two days. Now I'm charging it everyday.
Night time and also during the day. Any fix for this?
If your battery is draining so fast you must recharge twice a day then something is seriously wrong. That is NOT a side effect of IOS 5.0.1.
You mustn't do a restore from backup. You must restore the device to fresh clean IOS 5.0.1 install using iTunes and start afresh. Do not restore your backup. Likely something is corrupted in the backup which is causing a panic and draining the device.

Also, any time your device goes into Safe Mode you should be going into Cydia and removing the last thing you installed. It is likely incompatible with your device. Safe mode is there to protect you. If you keep getting it you need to find the problem and remove it using Cydia. This is also likley to be another candidate for bad battery life. Your iPad2 does not like running software created for other devices such as the iPhone, or other OS versions, so you must take care when installing. If it does not say iPad and IOS5 are supported then take great care!

All of my devices are running 5.0.1, all are jailbroken, and all have perfectly acceptable battery within the expected performance of the device.
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Let me guess,do you have a bunch of appointment on your calendar? Clear them all to see if that help.

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