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Jessica The Plight of a Midi File


iPF Noob
Jessica --The Plight of a Midi File Part One

This is another post that I think belongs in a special area for musicians and others who do a lot with Garage Band and other apps that deal with music and video. It is a story of bewilderment, struggle, and ultimate success yet because of the time involved to reach that success I don't know if I can keep it up.

If you see where I've broken some rule about anything here or anywhere, or have a suggestion of how my quest can be shortened from a long journey to a quick trip please, please chime in.. suggestions backed by experience would really be appreciated. Ideas are good too but if anyone out there has done any thing like this with less hassle than I have experienced please let me know the secret.

Here goes:

This story starts in 1986 with my purchase of midi files for my Korg X3 music workstation. They came in the mail on floppy discs and into the Korg they went. I changed the files to drop out guitar to the song Jessica so I could use the rest of the file as a back up band as I play the melody.

Here's the path that file took to finally get it to play over my Ipad 2:

Korg was getting a hassle to carry around so I output the analog signal of it to a Fostex 8 track digital recorder. From there I converted the file to WAVE and put it on my laptop to play from Windows. Tried to move file to Itunes..no success, error message..files is damaged. I burn a CD of the song, put the CD back in the laptop and send it to Itunes. Itunes says it cannot recognize the file type but has some songs that may be the file type and gives me a list to choose from. I pick the first title. It works, the file goes to Itunes complete with art work under a wrong name, wrong band. I sync my Ipad with laptop and drag and drop the file to the Ipad via the Ipod feature. Now I can play the file over a PA, add the guitar part and back to playing with my digi back up band from Ipad instead of other devices.

I am trying to move everything I have from originals to purchased legal files to the Ipad to keep from hauling anything but a slender little tablet that is such a wonder of music production...especially Garage Band.

What a hassle. I have many files like Jessica and unless someone can tell me a better way I must plan to spend many hours getting these songs to the Ipad by burning a CD for each one at a time, I tried doing several at once and it was a no go. The files are legal, the royalties have been paid, and even the club where I play them has paid further royalties to allow me to play anything.

Anyone else trying to get old midi files to an Ipad? They actually sound better from the Ipad because of the eq adjustments I can make on it which I could not do with the digital recorder. My small PA does not have eq adjustments (Bose L1 portable) unless I buy this $500 attachment.

I call my new digital back up band...MAX ipad.
This may or may not help but have you looked at Symphonix Evolution Player (or the full blown Symphonix Evolution) app. You can import via mail directly into the app....

The Archangel
why you do this such a hard way ? I'm singer, songwriter and performing k-board player and I bought my Ipad2 mostly for music making and live performances. I use it as a synth, sampler, sequencer and more. Why dont you record the midis from Your Korg straight to PC via spundcard stereo input, save it as mp3 or wav and copy to iPad ? Or even better. Buy A Camera connection kit, use usb audio interface with it andw record from your Korg straight to iPad.

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
or yeah, if you wante to usemidi, not audio files, use Symphonix Evolution or Music Studio (in high quality mode both have very nice soundset for midi files) or use BS16i synth with profi quality soundfonts to play back your midi files.

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF

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