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john milligan

iPF Noob
Hello one and all, first question to you, I am with Vodafone (locked) can the I pad2 be unlocked for any network?
IF so, how is it done, with Vodafone or Apple?

Kind regards John.
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Hello one and all, first question to you, I am with Vodafone (locked) can the I pad2 be unlocked for any network?
IF so, how is it done, with Vodafone or Apple?

Kind regards John.

-I just deleted your other post which was a duplicate of this message. Please do not do this as it is against forum rules. We want to keep topics to one thread to make it easier for members to follow the discussion and assist as needed. This cannot be done when there are multiple threads present.
Hi John, whilst my colleagues are correct, the subject of locked iPad's is not quite so simple over here in the UK where you and I both are.

Unlike our friends across the pond, we do have the opportunity to purchase carrier locked iPads at significant discounts with an associated 12 - 24 month data contract. I'm assuming you have one of those deals with Vodafone. I myself had one with my iPad1 with Orange.

The short answer is you normally won't get it unlocked until the full contract has been completed, but to progress it you would talk to the carrier, in your case Vodafone. Apple won't have the slightest interest if you approach them directly.

But I'm certain if you have any number of months outstanding on the original contract they simply won't entertain it. Orange certainly didn't with me! But it can't hurt to try :)

Hope that helps.
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Thought I would just mention for completeness, and also in case it is of interest to you or others, there is currently no unofficial method to unlock a locked iPad except for very early iPad1's which have never been updated and still have a baseband version 06.15.01. Those specific devices are probably rarer than hens teeth these days, but they can be jailbroken and unlocked with software called ultrasn0w.
I Have e mailed Vodafone, and for £19.99 they will give me an unlocking code, but they have to get in touch with Apple so they can generate a network unlocking code (NUC) I just have to wait now, they told me it could be up to six weeks.

Kind regards John

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