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Just Bought an ipad 2 - Apps help


iPF Noob
I just got an ipad2 and I synced the apps i already have, but I guess they are for the iphone. I need some recommendations for apps on the ipad2

Browser - one that can possibly run flash websites.

Facebook - any alternatives or facebook hd for ipad perhaps?

Pictures- Any app to view picasa web album

Any other really recommended apps that are must have.

Kindly suggest
I just got an ipad2 and I synced the apps i already have, but I guess they are for the iphone. I need some recommendations for apps on the ipad2

Browser - one that can possibly run flash websites.

Facebook - any alternatives or facebook hd for ipad perhaps?

Pictures- Any app to view picasa web album

Any other really recommended apps that are must have.

Kindly suggest
You won't be able to get a browser of any speed or quality that can play flash. You'll need to use a desktop remote app like Splashtop if you want to have full browser functionality like a PC.

For Facebook you have Friendly or MyPad+

AVPlayerHD is the best all around video player. Load any format including .avi or .mkv files right onto the iPad and watch them. Then delete without the need for resyncing to iTunes.

Zite and Flipboard for all you magazine reading needs.

Week Cal HD for all your scheduling and calendar needs

Dropbox is essential for moving files from computer to iPad without needing cables. 2Gigs of free space for cloud storage. More than that will cost ya.

Crackle is a nice app for some oldy tv and movies to watch for free.

Game wise, Real Racing HD is the best racing game around. Some other goodies are Cover Orange, Death Rally and Let's Golf 2.
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IMHO I find Puffin browser works well for me with the flash. I have some training courses that are done in flash, so I use Puffin. I also use it most of the time since it has tabs and I can surf from site to site without having to go back to the home screen with Safari. Picasa Web will work for your Picasa albums on your Mac or PC. At least it works for me.
Puffin is a slow/ laggy POS in my opinion.

There are a handful of 3rd party browsers that are better than safari, but none of them really play flash correctly.

The only way I have found to really play flash videos on my ipad2 is to use SplashTop and play it from a PC on my LAN.

I like this, I thought it would merely be a shortcut to finding the best browser for flash without buying the lot! but the Apps News page is well put together and fascinating - allows readers comments too. Good brief advice on apps for all purposes too. Can't remember how much it is but it didn't seem much.


is a gem, it comes with a Facebook reader. I don't have a Facebook account - am I the only one left on planet Earth? - so I can't say how it works but art blogs look devine on Flipboard - better than the blogs themselves sometimes.

Puffin (flash browser)

I don't find it too slow for Flash. It plays You tube okay and at least you get the full catalogue, unlike the You tube app. I feel they're all going to be slow reading flash. I wouldn't use a flash reading browser for everyday browsing. I like Mercury pro if Safari doesn't do it for you. I wouldn't go for iSwifter. I did.
How does Safari view picasa web albums? I have my photos on my computer in Picasa and would like to be able to view them on my
IPad. I went into Safari but Picasa does not come up - what does come up is picasa.google.com and that does not get me into my Picasa.
Thanks for your help.
How does Safari view picasa web albums? I have my photos on my computer in Picasa and would like to be able to view them on my
IPad. I went into Safari but Picasa does not come up - what does come up is picasa.google.com and that does not get me into my Picasa.
Thanks for your help.

Install Google free app. Then click Applications > click Photos


In Safari, Go to Google home page > click More > click Photos


Search "Picasa (your account name)"
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