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Just bought ipad 2 and need free divx player


iPF Noob
Any idea, I clicked on sime links pointing to vlc player but it says it is not available in US itunes store.

Is there another alternative? Any free player that will play all the files you upload from computer, mov, avi.....

thank you
i used to have VLC on the ipad 1, wich work perfectly, then apple kind of took it out! and are really testing all of the other to see if it does the same! i dont think will see one like vlc for now, ur best bet is converting the video to mp4, quicktime, or other acceptable apple format! :S
The vlc player app got removed from the AppStore, due to licensing issues, so unless you have a jailbroken iPad, it is not possible to use vlc.

However, there are various other third-party video player apps, which offer similar functionality. For playing videos of different formats, AVPlayer, as well as OPlayer are good choices. Though both are paid apps. There just is no free equivalent to the vlc player.
I forgot the name of the program that converts divx to ipad format and do it really fast ebcause it keeps the same size, do you know what is it called?
Dude just download "oplayer HD lite" it plays all formats..lite version bcoz it accomodates upto 8 files only :p so no problem really unless u wanna watch 8 movies at a time..
I just got the Ipad 2 and got Oplayer lite how do you transfer a video directly to the IPAD 2 to watch it? Since I will be watching video's on the train not via wireless. These are divx files.
Yes of course..but there is another limitation..u get an advertisment bar on top...so if ur playing a movie WITHOUT the black bars in a movie i.e full screen...then that will be annoying....dont know about any other free software.

Just go to itunes , ur ipad, click apps on top, go to the bottom of the page to fin OPlayer HD in another section..click on it and at the right u will get a small window that is the my document...just pu ur movies directly into that...thats it!
I am using oplayer lite and it is good, but it has a brown box on the top, really annoying, but better than nothing.

It is in american usa itunes
I tried find OPlayer Lite, but I could only find OPlayer HD that costs $4.99

Thanks for posting this question. I couldn't find the free oplayer lite. I did however find oplayer HD, but that costs $4.99.
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