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Just bought ipad 2


iPF Noob
So I just bought my iPad 2. My question is, is it normal for the camera to look fuzzy e en the pictures come out looking fuzzy?
My iPhone 4 takes clearer pictures. Is this. Normal or do I need to take it back? Please help!
Has the Camera Lens got a little round protective film over it....mine did? Are you taking the Photo indoors with poor lighting? Try it outside in daylight and see if it is any better.
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I've noticed that in bright light,my iPad 2 pictures are quite sharp.

image-3275806604.webpI shot this with my iPad 2 last November,at a football game. I think it's pretty good for a .7 megapixel camera.
Your iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel camera,over 7 times sharper than the iPad 2 under the same lighting conditions.
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Photos taken on mine are crystal clear, but the camera does need some decent light otherwise it is fuzzy and has little speckles.
miffman said:
Sometimes my ipad takes fuzzy pics as well, even with good lighting

We're you trying to take close up photos? This will quickly show the limitations of the iPad 2 camera.
Also, remember the camera on the iPad 2 is not as high quality as the one on your iPhone. Like scifan57 said, you will quickly realize the limitations of the iPad 2's camera if you are trying close ups or other more "photoesc" type shots.

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