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Just got my ipad and need some help

I got a new router (Linksys WRT120N) and no problems at all. I went threw the instruction CD set my passwords and it pichec it up and worked right away.


Very cool, glad that worked. I forgot to mention the router. I had learned from some other friends that routers can, in effect, weaken and die as they get older. I've had one do the same thing. Got a new DLink that runs G band for my older Windows machines and N for my Apple equipment. Does the trick perfectly.
I got a new router (Linksys WRT120N) and no problems at all. I went threw the instruction CD set my passwords and it pichec it up and worked right away.


Very cool, glad that worked. I forgot to mention the router. I had learned from some other friends that routers can, in effect, weaken and die as they get older. I've had one do the same thing. Got a new DLink that runs G band for my older Windows machines and N for my Apple equipment. Does the trick perfectly.

I had a Dlink as well and not that old, was a N but the setup wouldn't work on my mac. Wouldn't save the settings. (so it's up on ebay) So now the Linksys which is mac compatible is working well.

One thing though the signal isn't constant, it goes from full to half to low and back to full again. Have lost it once and had to connect again, though most of the time connecting but not constant.

Is there a setting I could change to make it more constant?
I Do Not Have Dlynx Router. My router is supplied

by Verizon. I have one desk top hard wired to this router. I have a brand new laptop Windows 7 accessing the router through WiFi and I have a three week old IPad wifi + 3g. My laptop automatically pops up into wifi. The IPad does too. But today and yesterday I have noticed that once in awhile the IPad looses its wifi connection (3g is turned off) but it finds the connection again. The Ipad does this once or twice, then about the third time it looses its connection, it 'forgets' my wifi's password and I have to enter it again. I have now done this in the 3 hours I have had my laptop and the Ipad working side by side, three times.

This is the first time I have been on my home wifi network on the IPad for over 3 hours. In the past three weeks, I have been in a McDonalds, several restaurants, a Starbucks but I didn't stay on their network longer than an hour.

Shouldn't the Ipad automatically re-find my network? Shouldn't it keep the network's password? Would the fact that I've got other networks on the IPad's wifi database cause this problem? Any ideas? Is there somewhere on the IPad that I can find all the wifi networks and their passwords and flush them out?

After four hours, my brand new Win7 laptop has yet to loose its wifi connection. The IPad is back at its dock getting power. According to the laptop's connection, the wifi signal is 'excellent'.
I am pretty annoyed with the connection issue. There aepre times I can't connect at all (but my mum's pc laptop can). It will connect then gone again before I can go anything!

What's the point of having a new iPad/computer if you can't use it on the Internet?

Does anyone know if a flat screen tv causes interference with wifi? I find it the worst trying to use it and watch tv. (where I want to use it)
Latest update

So after 3 phone calls to Apple who couldn't figure out the problem (just lost connection while typing this!). They made me an appointment at the Apple store to check it out and they replaced it. I was surprised and appreciated it, until I got home. Excited that the problem was fixed, but this one is worse than the first!

It can be sitting in be sitting in on spot and loose connection completely from full signal and not come back on it's own or sometimes not at all. Say I. My bedroom where the last one worked at least (though is close to the other room where the router is), the replacement works here half the time. In front of the tv sitting on the couch I can use it on the arm of the couch at a certain angle or holding in my handS but I out it I my lap or pass to someone on the couch it's gone. I also brought it to my school, going to college again which is why I bought it and I only get 2/3 bars there.

2 ipads both have horrible wi fi connection. I am thinking I need to ask them what they consider normal and what expected wi fi connection should be? Though this isn't what had in mind when bought it! Do I have go live with it until the update/fix comes out? I did ask about this and they told me Aug. Though hey also told me people with wi fi issues had them solved with router settings and my issues were one of very few which is why they exchanged it. :confused:
There is an OS update came out a few days ago, did you try it to see if that helps?

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