iPF Novice

我曾經有寫過貼子賣腎已換取iPad 和iPone????報導這事,同時還拿馬來西亞的另一件割腎事件:2妻子捐腎救丈夫 Wife Giving kidney to her husband來相比。
According to the government-run Xinhua News Agency quoted prosecutors in Chenzhou city, Hunan province, five people in southern China have been charged with intentional injury in the case of a teenager who sold a kidney so he could buy an iPhone and an iPad which was happened in April 2011.
However, Wang, the boy, now suffers from renal deficiency. According to Xinhua, one of the defendants received about 220,000 yuan ($34,000) to arrange the transplant. He distributed 22,000 ($3,400)yuan to Wang and then split the rest with the surgeon, the three other defendants and other medical staff.
According to China's Ministry of Health, about 1.5 million people in the country are in need of transplants, and yet only 10,000 transplants are performed each year, Xinhua reported.
1) 賣腎買iPhone案涉案人員遭起訴
2). 5 charged in Chinese kidney scheme, state media says
3) Charges Brought After Chinese Teen Sells Kidney for iPhone and iPad
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