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kids's Vids?


iPF Novice
Can someone help? I have searched the forum (and Googled the topic), but don'treally know the answer.

My two year old grandson loves the Curious George videos, and I want to put them on my iPad so that he can access them himself. He is a whiz at manipulating folders and apps, but of course can't read yet.

So I want to to be able to load video files with, say, the George videos, in one of his folders with icons that he can recognize.

Please note that I am not trying to rip off the videos, but merely want them in a format that is convenient for him.

P.S. I have Handbrake, so conversion is not a problem unless the dvd's, etcetera, are encrypted. Is it legal for me to purchase a dvd and use a decryption package for my own use?

Any suggestions?

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